3.4.2 Settings

3.4.2 Settings

To bring up a ‘Project Properties’ window, select [Tools] – [Project] or  icon.





Enter the short information of the project. This field is optional.

End User

Enter the name of the end-user. This field is optional.


Enter the name of the contractor. This field is optional.


Enter the name of the manager. This field is optional.


Enter a password to use when you open the project in CimonD. When you are trying to configure a password the first time, a dialog box will appear as shown below.


This is used to setup the password for the project. The password has to be entered with following criteria.

  1. You can use Alphanumeric. The password is case

  2. You cannot use spaces.

  3. You can only use special characters such as @#$%^&*()-

  4. The password length must be between 8 to 16

  5. The password is displayed as ‘****’. When you empty the
    field, it will be recognized as non-password.

Confirm Password

Enter the password again.

Change Password

When the password is previously configured in the project, a following [Change Password] dialog box appears. You can change the password by entering the current password in the text field.


Saves the password setting.


Does not set up the password and goes back to the [Project Properties] window.

System Log Path

Specify a printer to print out messages for system events in CimonX runtime. You can register the printer installed to a Windows printer. Please note that only unit of line printer is available for printing logs. Or you may select a path to save the log file in the desired directory. Event messages are saved as ‘YYYYMMDD.XLog’ file format and the default directory is set as “C:\CIMON\”UltimateAccess Web Version”\Log”. Events from each project are logged in the file.

System Time Format Setting

Users can configure the time format used for system logs, data logging, and alarm.

Part 11 Function

The project can be set to Part 11.

Base Time

Sets the base time when the report is generated.
E.g.) If you set the report printing time as 15:00 and base time as 16:00, the date in the report will indicate the previous day.
E.g.2) If you set the report printing day as Friday and base time as Monday, the day in the report will indicate Monday.

Refer to the ‘Exercise’ section about the base time setting.

Daily Starting

Enter the base of the time when a day starts.


Select the base of the day when a week starts.

Date - Time Format

Format character


Format character



A calendar year


A month number or name
(example: "MM" - "09”, “MMM” -” Sep”)


A month day


A week day name

(example: "EEEE" - “Tuesday")


A day period (AM/PM)


An hour From 1 to 12


An hour From 0 to 23


A minute


A second


A fractional second

Literal text. Text enclosed in two single quotes is shown as-is.

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