16.2 Settings

16.2 Settings

To bring up the Script editor, double-click the [Script] in the project workspace or select [Tools] – [Script].

(1)    Add Script

Select [Edit] – [Add Script] or press  icon to create a new script. In the script tree area, a new script (E.g. Script1) will be created. On the right side of the script editor, you can write the desired program.

When you change the script name and compile it, the script will be added to the project if there is no error. For example, when you rewrite the Sub Script1() into Sub ShowWin() and compile the script, the script will be added as ‘ShowWin()’ if there is no error.


(2)    Compile Script

Select [Edit] – [Compile Script] or press  icon to examine the selected script and compile it. Then the script name and the global variable will be added to the Script tree.

When an error occurs, a message will pop-up as shown below. Press [OK] to close the message and fix the error.

If there is a script with a grey icon, it represents that the script is not compiled. The script which is not compiled is not executed in the CimonX.

(3)    Register Script

Select [Edit] – [Register Script] or press  icon to register the scripts. All scripts will be compiled and added to the script tree. If there is an error with a script, the corresponding script will be selected and the message will pop-up.

(4)    Sort

Select [Edit] – [Sort] or press  button to arrange the scripts in alphabetical order.

(5)    Search Tag

Select  icon to bring up the [Select Tag] window. In the [Select Tag] window, select a tag and press [OK] to add the tag to the script.

(6)    Search Function

Press  icon to bring up the [Search Function] window. Select a desired function and press [OK] to add it to the script. You can search the functions by alphabet or type. In the List field, you may check the parameters to assign.

(7)     Search Page

Select  button to bring up the [Search Page] window. Select a desired page and press [OK] to add it to the script.



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