5.6 Arrange Tool

5.6 Arrange Tool

The [Arrange Tool] is grouped with commands such as object alignment, rotation, etc.


The toolbar consists of commands such as object groupage, object ordering, etc. You can add this toolbar to the top menu at [View] – [Arrange Tool].

You can only utilize the toolbar when there are multiple objects on the graphic page. Please refer to the following section for more information about the arrange tool.






This feature is enabled when more than two objects are selected. Selected objects will be grouped and operate as a single object.



This feature is enabled when you select a group object. The selected group object will be broken into the individual objects it was made from.

Bring to Front

This feature operates by placing the selected object in front of all other objects. If the object is layered upon other objects, the selected object may partially cover the other objects.

Send to Back


This feature operates by placing the selected object behind of all other objects. If the object is layered under other objects, the selected object may be partially covered by the other objects.



Aligns two or more objects by equally positioning them horizontally and vertically. You can use the align command to position objects vertically (top to bottom) or horizontally (left to right).

90˚ Clockwise


This feature is enabled when you select one or more objects. It rotates the selected objects 90 degrees clockwise based on the center point.

90˚ CounterClockwise


This feature is enabled when you select one or more objects. It rotates the selected objects 90 degrees counter clockwise based on the center point.



This feature is enabled when you select one or more objects. It flips the selected objects vertically based on the center point of Y axis.



This feature is enabled when you select one or more objects. It flips the selected objects



This feature is enabled when you select a simple object. You can change the shape of simple graphic objects: Line, rectangle, arc, circular sector, chord, polyline, polygon. When you select an object,  icon is enabled and you can change the shape of object by dragging its handles.

Snap to Grid


When you are arranging objects on the page , turning on this feature will make the objects you are moving snap to the grid.

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