3.3.1 Project Tree
Click View > check the box for Project Tree.
Project Tree consists of the user’s project name, page(s), and object(s).
The contents can be expanded by clicking the Expand All icon at the top left of the window. Also, the contents can be collapsed by clicking Collapse All icon at the top left of the window.
The project name will always be the top item in the contents of the Project Tree. When you right-click the project name, the Edit Project Properties option will appear, allowing easy access to the Project Properties.
Users can change the project page name by right-clicking the page > left-clicking Rename.
The following action list will show when the user right-clicks a space within the Project Tree.
Action | Description |
New Page | Generates a new page for the project, with a default name of New Page. |
Cut Page | Deletes and stores the selected page to the clipboard for pasting purposes. |
Copy Page | Does not delete and stores the selected page to the clipboard for pasting purposes. |
Paste | Pastes the stored page on the clipboard to the project. Pages from different projects may be copied and pasted to one another. |
Delete Page | Deletes the currently selected page from the project after confirming the choice. |
Rename | Allows the user to rename the currently selected page. |
Open Page | Opens the currently selected page. This can also be accomplished by double-clicking the selected page. |
Close Page | Closes the currently selected page. This can also be accomplished by pressing the [X] button located on the canvas header next to the page name. |
Properties | Allows the user to view the properties of the currently selected page. Page name, type, width, and many other options may be changed here. Additionally, these properties may be viewed and edited within the Property Editor. |
When the user right-clicks an object within the Project Tree, the following action list will show.
Action | Description |
Cut | Deletes and stores the selected object(s) to the clipboard for pasting purposes. Hotkey: [Ctrl] + [X] |
Copy | Does not delete and stores the selected object(s) to the clipboard for pasting purposes. Hotkey: [Ctrl] + [C] |
Paste | Pastes the stored object(s) on the clipboard to the currently selected page. Objects from different pages/projects may be copied and pasted to one another. Hotkey: [Ctrl] + [V] |
Delete | Deletes the currently selected object(s). Hotkey: [Del] or [Delete] |
Rename | Allows the user to rename the currently selected object. |
Group | Allows the user to group the currently selected objects into a newly formed conglomerate object that functions as a single object. Hotkey: [Ctrl] + [G] |
Ungroup | Allows the user to ungroup the currently selected conglomerate object into it’s original components. |
Lock | Allows the user to cease editing abilities on the selected object(s). Additionally, there is a lock icon to the right of the selected object for convenience. |
Unlock | Allows the user to restore editing abilities on the selected object(s). Additionally, there is an unlock icon to the right of the selected object for convenience. |
Order | Allows the user to change how an object is layered against other objects, by bringing them to the front or sending them to the back. Hotkey:
Align | Allows the user to compose multiple objects in an alignment method of the user’s choosing. Hotkey:
Distribute | Allows the user to compose multiple objects in such a manner to provide equal spacing between objects. Horizontal spacing is determined based on the left-most and right-most selected objects. Vertical spacing is determined based on the top-most and bottom-most selected objects. |
Transform | Allows the user to rotate an object or group of objects clockwise or counterclockwise by 90 degrees. Addtionally, the user may flip the object or group of objects horizontally or vertically. |
Show/Hide | Allows the user to make an object or group of objects hidden or visible. Additionally, there is an eye icon to the right of the select object(s) for convenience. Show Hide |