Page Modification
To create a page, click File > New > Page, press the hotkey [Ctrl] + [N], or click the New Page (Ctrl N) icon on the toolbar. This will create a page with the default name “New Page”. Two pages cannot possess the same name, so if a “New Page” is not re-named, any subsequent pages will increment to the next available number starting from 2 (Ex: “New Page 2”). When a page is created, the default page properties configured in the Property Editor will be assigned to the page.
To open a page, click an object or double-click the name of a page in the Project Tree window, or click the Home Tab icon and click a desired page. Multiple pages can be at the same time.
To close the current page, click File > Close > Page or press the hotkey [Ctrl] + [W]. To close all pages, click File > Close > All Pages or press the hotkey [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [W].
To copy a page, select the page and press the hotkey [Ctrl] + [C] or right-click the page and click Copy Page. The copied page can be cloned by pressing the hotkey [Ctrl] + [V] while inside a Project Tree or right-clicking a page or object in a Project Tree and clicking Paste. This can be done between different projects.
To delete a page, right-click the page to be deleted and click Delete Page > OK on the warning that pops up.
Basic Properties
A page’s Basic Properties window allows users to change the page name, index, type, description, and background or overlay pages.
The Appearance pane allows changing the background color of a page.
The Transform tab provides adjustable x and y coordinates, width, height, and scaling.
The Actions section for a page allows for a command or script to be set to execute when the page opens or closes, as well as setting permissions for the page.