8.5 List Control

8.5 List Control



List Control is used to display the data of User Data Table or the contents according to the user-defined script. You can save the contents of the List Control object in an Excel-type format. This feature allows the users to manage the necessary information conveniently.

The List Control can be added to the graphic page by double-clicking or drag-and-drop
the object from [Draw] – [Library] – [Window Control]. You can also drag-and-drop the
object from the Toolbox to the graphic page.






User Data Table Model

Select one of the existing User Data Table model.

Col Name

Enter the title of the column.

Col Size(%)

Enter the size (width) of the column.


Edits the name or size of the selected column.

Import Model

This option imports the items from the model selected at ‘User Data Table Model’.




Fetch Data


The user can fetch the data from the set time range.

Custom Filter

The user can set a custom filter to display the data.

Export to Excel

Saves the data on the display as an “*.xlsx” file format.