3.5.1 Settings

To open the ‘Page Properties’ dialog box, select [Tools] – [Page Setup] or double-click an empty portion of the graphic page. The dialog box is categorized into three tabs: Page Property, Page Position, and Action.

(1) Page Properties

You may decide the name, number, and type of the current page. The options for displaying objects and for security level are also under this tab.

General Options



Page Number

Each page is defined by a unique letter and number. The letter represents the page type (“B“, “P“, or “K“ for Normal/Base, Popup, or Keypad, respectively), and the number identifies a specific page of a given type. Example page designations include “B00001“, “B00002“, “P00001“, “K00001“, “K00002“, etc. Multiple pages of the same type cannot share the same page number.

Page Name

Enter a unique page name in the text field. Note that if the page’s filename contains non-alphanumeric characters, the project may malfunction in the English version of Xpanel.

Page Type

Select the type of page.

Normal Page

Set as a normal full-screen page.

Popup Page

Set as a floating page to be opened on top of a normal page.

Keypad Page

Set as a user-defined keypad page to be opened on top of a normal page.


Specifies the background color of the current page. Use the palette to the right of the word “Background” to select a color. 98 colors are available.


Enter a description for the page.

Fixed Background

This option treats objects which do not contain ‘change’ functions (conditional rendering functions such as ‘Visible’, ‘Color’, etc) as part of the background. Graphic processing speed may be increased by choosing this option. Objects with ‘change’ functions will be placed on top of the background. Note that if objects are overlapping each other, objects with a ‘change’ function will always be placed on top of objects without a ‘change’ function, even if they are arranged differently in the editor. See the example below for details.



Xpanel Runtime


Objects with the ‘Visible’ function will be displayed the same way as on the XpanelDesigner screen.


Objects with the ‘Visible’ function will be moved forward.

Draw Changed Object Only

This option is used to increase the update speed of the Xpanel screen by reducing the number of objects to display. Without this option, all objects are redrawn whenever a single object function is activated. With this option, only changed objects are redrawn.

※ Please check the following notes to avoid malfunctions:

(1) Avoid overlapping objects which use rendering functions, including:

-Objects using the ‘Visible’, ‘Blink’, ‘V/H-Size, ‘V/H-Move’, ‘Color’, or ‘Rotate’ functions.

-Objects that are part of a group which uses a rendering function.

-Dynamic Tag, Date/Time, String Value, DataLog, Trend Graph, Alarm Summary, or PageLink objects.

The picture above shows three rectangle objects with the ‘color’ function that are overlapping each other. The most recently changed object will always be placed in front, regardless of its position within XpanelDesigner.

(2) The ‘Draw Changed Object Only’ option will not activate if any objects with the ‘V/H move’ or ‘rotate’ functions exist on the page.

(3) If multiple objects with the ‘visible’ function that are activated by the same tag overlap each other, the objects may be arranged in a different order in the Xpanel runtime than in XpanelDesigner.

Using 256 Bitmap

Converts images to a 256-colored bitmap. This option lowers image quality and is intended for devices with limited color support, or for when improved performance is needed.

Display Touch Area

Highlights the inner border of “Touch” objects to indicate when they are pressed.

Enable Overlapping Objects

When two or more objects with the ‘touch’ function overlap each other, both functions will be activated by touching the area of overlap. Note that you cannot use this option to perform multiple ‘Open Page’ and/or ‘Close Page’ actions.

Security Level

This option limits the available UI actions depending on the user’s security level. You can assign a value between 0 and 10. Higher levels indicate a higher authority requirement.

※ Refer to ‘Security’ for more information about using security levels.

Options for Popup Pages and Keypad Pages



System Window

Decides the page shape. When you select the check box, the page will act as a Windows-style window. When you deselect the checkbox, the page is confined to the Xpanel application.



System Menu

Determines whether to use and display system icons (minimize, maximize, close) for the page window.

Apply to this working page

When selected, changes the page’s appearance within XpanelDesigner based on whether the ‘System Window’ and ‘System Menu’ options are selected.

Options for Popup Page




When checked, allows you to define conditions for displaying the selected page. When unchecked, displays the popup page normally.

Display Condition

Shows or hides the popup page according to the display condition.


The popup page is always visible without any condition.

Visible in Screen

The popup page will be visible whenever the assigned screen is open. You can assign a single page using its page number. If you wish to assign a range of pages, enter the start and end numbers in the field, separated by a hyphen (for example, ‘3-5’ would display the popup page for screens 3, 4, and 5).

Hide in Screen

The popup page will be hidden whenever the assigned screen is open. You can assign a single page using its page number. If you wish to assign a range of pages, enter the start and end numbers in the field, separated by a hyphen (for example, ‘3-5’ would hide the popup page for screens 3, 4, and 5).

(2) Page Position

You can specify the position and size of the page within XpanelDesigner, and copy the changes to the Xpanel runtime.



Edit Position


Enter the coordinate value that indicates the number of pixels between the left edge of the page editor and the left edge of the page being configured. The page’s current location is set as the default.


Enter the coordinate value that indicates the number of pixels between the top edge of the page editor and the top edge of the window being configured. The page’s current location is set as the default.


Enter the page’s width in pixels. The current width is set as the default.


Enter the page’s height in pixels. The current height is set as the default.

Run Position


Represents the X coordinate of the page window on the Xpanel screen.


Represents the Y coordinate of the page window on the Xpanel screen.


Represents the width of the page window on the Xpanel screen.


Represents the height of the page window on the Xpanel screen.


After adjusting the editor position and size, press [Copy] to save the changes and apply them to the runtime.

Position in Frame

Assign the frame position of the page. Only used when the Frame Editor tool is used. See the Frame Editor section for more information.

(3) Action

You can define a Command Expression to perform when opening or closing the page, for example to call a script or change a tag value. See Script and Appendix 1 for more information on scripting and command expressions.




Pressing this button selects a device address and includes it in the command expression. The device address notation within command expressions is as shown below:
[I/O Device Name.Station Name.Device Address].

For example, if the I/O device is called “PLC.Station” and the address is “M00“, then in a command expression you would refer to the address as “[PLC.Station.M00]“, without the quotation marks.

Tag Name

Selects a tag from the database to include in the command expression. Tag names can be used directly without brackets or quotes.

Ex) The command expression below sets the analog tag “CURRENT_PAGE“ to 3 each time the page is opened.

On Opening Page

Enter a command expression to be activated whenever the page is opened.

On Closing Page

Enter a command expression to be activated whenever the page is closed.