Appendix 1 Functions for Script
In this section, you can find functions and subroutines to be used in scripts. A subroutine is a command expression that operates a certain action without returning any value, unlike functions that have a return value.
Within an XpanelDesigner script, you can use the functions and subroutines listed in this document. When you use scripts, please beware of the following cautions:
When you use functions with a return value, a variable to store the return value must be declared beforehand. |
This manual is based on XpanelDesigner 2. 53 Ver. Software. Note that some features may differ depending on the version of XpanelDesigner. |
Function List
The functions are listed in the table as shown below.
Command | Description | ||
Trigonometric Functions | Function | Acos(number) | Computes the Arc Cosine value. |
Function | Asin(number) | Computes the Arc Sine value. | |
Function | Atan(number) | Computes the Arc Tangent value. | |
Function | Atan2(number1, number2) | Computes the Arc Tangent value of number1/number2. | |
Function | Cos(number) | Computes the Cosine value. | |
Function | Cosh(number) | Computes the Hyperbolic Cosine value. | |
Function | Sin(number) | Computes the Sine value. | |
Function | Sinh(number) | Computes the Hyperbolic Sine value. | |
Function | Tan(number) | Computes the Tangent value. | |
Function | Tanh (number) | Computes the Hyperbolic Tangent value. |
Mathematical Functions | Function | Abs(number) | Returns the absolute value. |
Function | Ceil(number) | Returns the ceiling of a value. | |
Function | Floor(number) | Returns the floor of a value. | |
Function | Fmod(number1, number2) | Returns the floating-point remainder. | |
Function | Log (number) | Computes the natural logarithm. | |
Function | Log10(number) | Computes the base-10 logarithm. | |
Function | Rand() | Generates the pseudorandom number. | |
Function | Sqrt(number) | Computes the square root. |
The special functions listed in the table shown below are categorized, starting from section 1.4.
Special Functions | Subroutine | AddMessage(Message ID, Added Message) | Adds a new message to the scroll message window. |
Subroutine | AddMessageEx(Message ID, Added Message,Level) | Adds a new message to the scroll message window with a level. | |
Subroutine | AlarmCsvWr(AlarmGroup, “CSVFileName”, TimeDisplay, PrintOption, Location) | Saves the alarm messages as a CSV file. | |
Subroutine | AlarmPrint(AlarmGroup, Messages,TimeDisplay, FontSize, PrintOption) | Prints the alarm messages with the printer. | |
Subroutine | ClearAlarmLog(AlarmGroup) | Deletes the entire alarm log of the assigned alarm group. | |
Subroutine | ClearDataLog() | Removes all logs from the data logging model. | |
Subroutine | ClosePort(PortNo) | Closes the serial port. | |
Subroutine | EnableDriver(“DeviceName”, “StationName”, Enable/Disable) | Controls the selected station’s communication. | |
Subroutine | ExitXpanel() | Terminated Xpanel runtime. | |
Subroutine | FrameOpen(“FrameFile”) | Opens the frame file. | |
Function | GetExplorerPath(PathType) | Returns the recently selected file’s path. | |
Function | GetCommStatus(“DeviceName”, “StationName”) | Checks the selected station’s communication status. | |
Function | GetLength(Tag) | Returns the number of characters in a string tag. | |
Function | GetRcpDnGroup(“Model Name”) | Returns the recipe group name which has downloaded recently. | |
Function | GetRcpGroupname(“Model Name”, Group Number) | Returns the recipe group name. | |
Function | GetRcpItemName(“Model Name”, Data item number) | Returns the name of recipe data. | |
Function | GetScheduleState(Schedule Index) | Obtains the active state of a certain schedule. | |
Function | GetScheduleSysMem(Schedule Index, Starting Address of SYSTEM MEMORY) | Obtains the time data of a certain schedule. | |
Function | GetSecurity() | Returns the current security level.(0 – 10) | |
Function | GetSysMem(System Memory Address) | Returns the system memory value. | |
Function | GetSysMemString(Target system memory offset, Number of Word) | Converts ASCII code in the system memory into the string value. | |
Function | GetTime(Value Type) | Returns the current time value. | |
Subroutine | HardCopy() | Prints out the runtime screen of Xpanel. | |
Function | IsDirectory(“File or Folder Name”) | Checks if the file or folder exists in the Xpanel. | |
Subroutine | LcdBacklight(ON/OFF) | Turns on or off the LCD Backlight. | |
Subroutine | LcdBrightDown() | Dims the LCD light. | |
Subroutine | LcdBrightUp() | Brightens the LCD light. | |
Subroutine | LogOff() | Logs out the current user. | |
Subroutine | LogOn(“UserID”, “Password”) | Logs on with the user information. | |
Subroutine | LogOnWin() | Brings up the User Log On window. | |
Subroutine | MakeCsv(“LogModelName”, BlockNumber) | Saves the data block to the SD/MMC memory in CSV file format. | |
Subroutine | MakeLogCsvEx(“Header”, “LogModelName”, BlockNumber, Location) | Saves the data block in CSV file format and stores the header name at cell A1. | |
Subroutine | MakeCsvUsb(“LogModelName”, BlockNumber) | Saves the data block to the USB storage in CSV file format. | |
Subroutine | MakeLogCsv(“LogModelName”, BlockNumber, Location) | Saves the data block to the assigned location in CSV file format. | |
Subroutine | MakeLogCsvEx(“Header”, “LogModelName”, BlockNumber, Location) | Saves the data block in CSV file format and stores the header name at cell A1. | |
Subroutine | MakeSysMemCsv(“Header”, Starting address of System Memory, number of memories, number of Columns, Location) | Saves the system memories in CSV file format. | |
Function | NumToStr(TargetValue, Value Type, Format) | Converts the numeric value to the string. | |
Function | NumToAsc(Decimal value) | Converts a decimal value to an ASCII code value. | |
Subroutine | OpenConfigSub(Function) | Brings up the Xpanel Config. window or its subfeatures. | |
Subroutine | OpenConfigWin() | Brings up the Xpanel Config. window. | |
Function | OpenPort (PortNo, BaudRate, Parity, Databit, Stopbit) | Opens the serial port. | |
Subroutine | PageOpen(“PageName”) | Opens the page. | |
Subroutine | PageClose(“PageName”) | Closes the page. | |
Subroutine | PlayWave(WavFileLocation, Path, Sync/Async) | Executes the WAV file in the assigned path. | |
Subroutine | PrePage() | Moves to the previous page. | |
Subroutine | PrePageEx() | Moves to the previous base page. | |
Subroutine | RcpConfig() | Displays the recipe settings window in Xpanel runtime. | |
Subroutine | RcpCsvRd(“Model Name”, “CSV File Name”, CSV file directory) | Reads recipe model group data (*.csv file) and saves it in the memory. | |
Subroutine | RcpCsvWr(“Model Name”, “CSV File Name”, CSV file directory) | Saves model group data in the memory as a CSV file format. | |
Subroutine | RcpDownload(“Model Name”, Group Number) | Downloads model group data to the PLC. | |
Subroutine | RcpFileRead(“Model Name”, Group Number) | Reads PLC data and saves it to the recipe file. | |
Subroutine | RcpFileStore(“Model Name”, Group Number) | Saves the model group data in the recipe file. | |
Subroutine | RcpGetSysMem(“Model Name”, System Memory Address) | Copies one block of system memory to Xpanel memory. | |
Subroutine | RcpMemDown(“Model Name”) | Downloads the model group data from Xpanel to PLC. | |
Subroutine | RcpMemUp(“Model Name”) | Receives the data from PLC and saves it at the model group data in Xpanel. | |
Subroutine | RcpNewGroupName (“Model Name”, Group number, “New group name”) | Changes the recipe group name. | |
Subroutine | RcpSetSysMem(“Model Name”, System Memory Address) | Copies data in Xpanel memory and pastes it to the system memory. | |
Subroutine | RcpStop(“Model Name”) | Stops and terminates the Recipe. | |
Subroutine | RcpUpload(“Model Name”, Group Number) | Reads PLC data and saves it to the recipe file. | |
Subroutine | ReceiveByte(PortNo, Data) | Receives data with the selected port. | |
Subroutine | RemoveLastAlarms() | Remove contents except for current alarms from the alarm summary. | |
Subroutine | RemoveMessage(MessageID) | Removes the scroll message which is added by the AddMessage() function. | |
Subroutine | ResetTrend(“YT Trend Name”, Pen number) | Resets min/max values of the pen to the default value in the YT trend. | |
Subroutine | RunApp(“ProgramName”, “ProgramParameter”) | Executes the external program. | |
Subroutine | ScheduleConfig() | Displays the schedule list dialog box in the Xpanel runtime. | |
Subroutine | ScrCapture(“SeedName”, Location) | Saves the Xpanel screen in the BMP file. | |
Function | SendByte(PortNo, Data) | Sends byte data with the selected port. | |
Function | SendString(PortNo, Data) | Sends string data with the selected port. | |
Subroutine | SetDate(Year,Month,Date) | Changes the date of Xpanel. | |
Subroutine | SetScheduleState(Schedule Index, Active State) | Changes the active state of a certain schedule. | |
Subroutine | SetScheduleSysMem(Schedule Index, Starting Address of SYSTEM MEMORY) | Modifies the schedule directly without using the schedule setting window. | |
Subroutine | SetSpeed(Acc./Dec.) | Controls the processing time of the script module. | |
Subroutine | SetSysMem(System Memory Address, Set Value) | Sets the system memory value. | |
Subroutine | SetSysMemString(Target system memory offset, Source string tag, Number of word) | Converts the string value into ASCII code and stores it in the system memory. | |
Subroutine | SetTime(Hour, Minute, Second) | Changes the time of Xpanel. | |
Subroutine | SetTrendRatio(“YT Trend Name”, Pen number, Min value ratio to set, Max value ratio to set) | Changes min/max values ratio of the pen in the YT trend. | |
Subroutine | SetTrendZoom(“YT Trend Name”, Pen number, Min value to set, Max value to set) | Changes min/max values of the pen in the YT trend. | |
Subroutine | ShowAudioMixer() | Opens up a volume mixer in Windows touch PC. | |
Subroutine | ShowTouchKeyboard(X coordinate, Y coordinate, Pin/Unpin) | Opens up a touch keyboard in touch PC above Windows 8.1. | |
Subroutine | Sleep(Delay) | Delays the script program. | |
Subroutine | SoftKeyboard(Show/Hide, X Coordinate, Y Coordinate) | Opens or closes the virtual keyboard. | |
Subroutine | StaticBeepCtrl(ON/OFF) | Controls the Beep output (On/Off) | |
Function | StringTable(Group Number, String Number) | Gets string data from the string table. | |
Function | StrToNum(Target String, Numeral System) | Converts the string to the numeric value. | |
Subroutine | SysMemFill(System Memory Address, Data, Number of data) | Fills the block of system memory with the assigned value. | |
Subroutine | SysMemMove(Current Address, Target Address, Number of Data) | Moves the data block in the system memory. | |
Subroutine | TimeStr(Acquired Value, “Format”) | Generates the time-displaying string. | |
Subroutine | TouchCalib() | Brings up the touch calibration screen. | |
Subroutine | TrendCsvWr(“TrendName”, Location) | Saves the Trend in CSV format. | |
Subroutine | TrendGetPenVal(“YT Trend Name”, Pen number, Set value) | Returns set value from the min/max value of the pen in the YT trend. | |
Subroutine | WindowsExplorer(“Path”, “Extension”, X Coordinate, Y Coordinate) | Brings up the Windows Explorer at the assigned position. | |
Subroutine | XpanelReset() | Restarts the Xpanel Runtime. |