2.8.4 About Database Manager
2.8.4 About Database Manager
You can utilize the database manager to check the number of tags used in the current project.
Open [Database] from either the Project Tree or through [Tools] – [Database] in XpanelDesigner. Now you can select [About Database Manager] from the [Help] dropdown menu. In the pop-up window, you can check the version of the database manager and the information of registered tags in the project.
Total tags consist of group tags, digital tags, analog tags, and string tags.
E.g.) Total tags (90) = Group tags (1) + Digital tags (55) + Analog tags (32) + String tags (2)Total tags consist of real tags and virtual tags.
E.g.) Total tags (90) = Real tags (50) + Virtual tags (40)Group tag is considered a virtual tag.