Function Block Variable
Double-click Variable.
FB Variable configuration pops up.
The variable in FB folder is local variable that only works in current FB folder.
Variable Name : The same name with FB or Device address cannot be used. The maximum 16 characters are available.
I/O : From I/O pull-down menu, choose Input, Output or Input/Output.
Input : Read integer value or device address
Output : Write device address only (Integer value is not possible)
I/O(Input and Output) : You can use one device address for both input or output.
(Integer value is not possible)
*You cannot use below device type for Output and I/O.
X / F/ T / TC / TS / C / CC / CS
Type : From Type pull-down menu, choose Bit, Word, Double Word or Float.
B (Bit) : 0 or 1
W (Word) : 2Byte (Unsigned: 0~65,535 / Signed: -32,768~32,767)
DW (Double Word) : 4Byte (Unsigned: 0~4,294,967,295 / Signed: -2,147,483,648~2,147,483,647)
F (Float) : 4Byte (3..4E +/- 38 : 7Digits)
Device : You cannot set up device address here. When FB is used in scan program(Ladder Logic), you can set device address for each input and output.
Description : Maximum 16characters are available.
Add Input : Default Variable name is IN + number that is persistent.