It has only one digital value from Thermistor module. It is used to get only one digital value if the FB name is finished with "_S.
Variable Name | I/O | Type | Device |
BASE | Input | Word | Write Base number 0~16 |
SLOT | Input | Word | Write Slot number CM1 : 0 ~ 11 |
CH | Input | Word | Write Channel number. (Ex. Ch2 : Write 2) |
OUTPUT | Output | Word | Write Word type device address that you want to save the converted value (Except :X / F / TS / TC / CS / CC / S) |
If you write wrong SLOT number or BASE number, CPU will have an error.
System Library type
Buffer Memory Index
CM1 THERMISTOR : 21 ~ 28 (Ch.1~8 : Digital conversion value)
BASE (D10)=2, SLOT (D11)=3, Channel (D12)=1
You can get a digital value from Ch1 at slot #3 in 2nd expansion base and save it to D20.