Library Type

Function Block Library has three types : User Library, User System Library and System Library.


User Library

User System Library

System Library











Not Editable (Read Only)



Not Editable (Note Readable)


Save it to file



Max. 128

Max. 1024

  • If FB in User Library is not used in scan program, the FB will be removed when program is downloaded to PLC. If you want to use the FB you created, save it in file or in User System Library.

  • New System Library can be updated without new CICON version installation. Please download new System Library from CIMON website (


User Library : FB that you create is saved in this folder. You can edit, import and export FB. User Library is belong to project property so if you create new project or open other project, FB that you created will be removed. If you want to use FB that you created at the other project, you can export FB to file or add it to User System Library. If FB in User Library is not used in Scan program, it will be removed when you download project file to PLC. Therefore, export FB to file before downloading project file to PLC. You can also find out deleted FB after uploading PLC to CICON. Click File and choose Import FB backup file.


User System Library : If you export FB to File in User Library, FB can be saved in file or in User System Library. Once a FB is saved in System User Library, you are not able to edit the FB in this folder but you can only delete the FB. Whenever new project file is created, FB in System User Library and System Library will appears.


System Library : This is default FB that Cimon provides. You are not able to edit FB in the System Library. Whenever new project file is created, FB in System User Library and System Library will appears.


  • According to CPU type, Function Block in System Library can be used. If FB is not matched with CPU type, error message will pop up.