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Opens the New Project window to create a new project. The currently opened project will be closed when a new project is created.


Creates a new graphic page for the project.


Opens a file explorer window where users can select a “.cnvs” format project to launch the last-edited version of that project. When a project is opened, the currently opened project will be closed.

Open Recent

Opens a dropdown that shows up to the last 16 edited projects. If a project is clicked, the last-edited version of that project will be launched. When a project is opened, the currently opened project will be closed.

If a project was built in a higher version, it cannot be opened. Additionally, if a project’s path has been changed, the project’s new location will not appear in the recent project sections.



Closes the current project.

If changes to the currently opened project are not saved, a dialog box requesting the user to Save, Don’t Save, or Cancel will pop up.


Closes the current page.

All Pages

Closes all pages on the current project.


Saves the project’s current status.

Save As…

Copies the current project to a specified destination.

Project Properties…

Opens the Project Properties window to customize the user’s project.

Convert Project Size

Opens the Convert Project Size window to change the project’s set size.

Designer Settings…

Opens the Designer Settings window to change a few settings not found in Project Properties.


Terminates the Canvas program.

If changes to the currently opened project are not saved, a dialog box requesting the user to Save, Don’t Save, or Cancel will pop up.




Reverts the last non-undone action made.


Reverts the last non-redone undo action made.


Deletes the selected object’s content and saves it in the clipboard.


Saves the selected object’s content in the clipboard.


Pastes a cut or copied object from the clipboard.


Deletes the selected object.

Select All

Selects all of the objects on the current page.


Deselects all currently selected objects.

Find and Replace…

Opens the Find and Replace window to allow users to change the set text and colors of objects and tags.



New Page (Ctrl N)

Creates a new graphic page for the project.

Open Project… (Ctrl O)

Opens a file explorer window where users can select a “.cnvs” format project to launch the last-edited version of that project.

Save (Ctrl S)

Saves the project’s current status.

Save As… (Ctrl Shift S)

Copies the current project to a specified destination.

Undo (Ctrl Z)

Reverts the last non-undone action made.

Redo (Ctrl Shift Z)

Reverts the last non-redone undo action made.

Cut (Ctrl X)

Deletes the selected object’s content and saves it in the clipboard.

Copy (Ctrl C)

Saves the selected object’s content in the clipboard.

Paste (Ctrl V)

Pastes a cut or copied object from the clipboard.

Zoom to 100% (Ctrl 0)

Resets the magnification of the workspace’s screen size to 100%.

Zoom In (Ctrl +)

Increases the magnification of the workspace’s screen size over set intervals up to 400%.

Zoom Out (Ctrl -)

Decreases the magnification of the workspace’s screen size over set intervals down to 25%.



Property Type

Sets the type of string that will be searched. The options available are Text and Color.

Scope Type

Sets the location that will be searched. The options available are Global and Pages.

Search Scope

Sets the type of objects that will be searched through. The options available are All…, Object Properties, Page Properties, Project Properties, Scripts, Tag Database, I/O Devices, Data Server Devices, Alarms, Data Loggers, Security, Scheduler, Translations, and None…. There is an option in the dropdown to select or deselect every option.

Search For

The given text that will be searched in the current script.

Regular Expression

Filters occurrences of the Search For field using Regular Expression statements. This form uses a case-sensitive approach of a character followed by a number of “.”, and then another character. This will search for any string or portion of a string that starts with the first given character, followed by the number of “.” as placeholders, and ends in the second given character.

Match Case

Filters occurences of the Search For field to be case-sensitive.

Whole Word

Filters occurences of the Search For field to show only strings that are completed words. This entails having no extra or missing characters and beginning and ending with whitespace.


Uses the current configuration to search for the given text in the Search For field to populate the table.

Result Type

Displays the object type that a string belongs to.

Item Name

Displays the name of the object that the string belongs to.

Property Type

Displays the field that the string is applied to.


Displays the entire set of words that includes the searched string in the specified object.


Selects the occurrence in the table preceding the selected object. If there are no preceding occurrences, the selection advances to the end of the table. If no occurrence has been selected, Previous will be evaluated at the first occurrence.


Selects the occurrence in the table succeeding the selected object. If there are no succeeding occurrences, the selection returns to the beginning of the table. If no occurrence has been selected, Next will be evaluated at the first occurrence.

Replace With:

The given text that will replace all occurrences of the Search For field when clicking Replace Selected or Replace All.

Replace Selected

Converts the selected occurrence of the given text in the Search For field to the new given text in the Replace With field.

Replace All

Converts all occurrences of the given text in the Search For field to the new given text in the Replace With field.


Closes the Find and Replace window.



Project Tree

Controls whether the Project Tree pane is visible or not.

Tag Editor

Controls whether the Tag Editor pane is visible or not.

Graphic Library

Controls whether the Graphic Library pane is visible or not.

Tag View

Controls whether the Tag View pane is visible or not.

Action View

Controls whether the Action View pane is visible or not.


Basic Properties

Controls whether the Basic Properties tab is visible or not.


Controls whether the Appearance tab is visible or not.


Controls whether the Transform tab is visible or not.


Controls whether the Actions tab is visible or not.


Main Toolbar

Controls whether the Main Toolbar toolbar is visible or not.

Drawing Tools

Controls whether the Drawing Tools toolbar is visible or not.

Arrange Tools

Controls whether the Arrange Tools toolbar is visible or not.

Connection Tools

Controls whether the Connection Tools toolbar is visible or not.

Project Tools

Controls whether the Project Tools toolbar is visible or not.

Font Tools

Controls whether the Font Tools toolbar is visible or not.

Home Tab

Controls whether the Home Tab icon is visible or not.

Status Bar

Controls whether the Status Bar is visible or not.


Opens a dropdown to select the magnification of the screen. The zoom percentages are 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, 150%, 200%, and 400%.

Show Ruler

Controls whether the Ruler is visible or not.


5 px

Sets the Snap to Grid size to be every 5 pixels.

10 px

Sets the Snap to Grid size to be every 10 pixels.


Show Guides

Controls whether Guides are visible or not. Guides are vertical or horizontal lines that cross the entire page.

Add Vertical Guide

Creates a new vertical guide that can have its X position set.

Add Horizontal Guide

Creates a new horizontal guide that can have its Y position set.

Edit Guides…

Opens the Edit Guides window where users can change the color and X or Y positions of guides.

Clear Guides

Deletes all guides.

Snap to


Controls whether objects will magnetize to each line in a grid between 5 or 10 pixels.

Guide Lines

Controls whether objects will magnetize to created guide lines.

Objects and Page

Controls whether objects will magnetize to other objects and the borders and midpoints.

Tag Overlay


Does not show any tag overlays on any objects.

All Objects

Shows all tag overlays on every object.

Selected Objects

Shows all tag overlays on selected objects.

Tag Path

The tag overlay information will show a tag icon and the tag’s path in the Tag Editor pane.

Tag Address

The tag overlay information will show a tag icon and the tag’s assigned I/O Address.




Used to draw lines.


Used to draw rectangles or squares.


Used to draw circles or ellipses.


Used to draw sectors of a circle.


Used to draw arcs.


Used to draw chords.


Used to draw polygons. Users can set how many sides, height, and width the polygon will be created with.


Used to draw polylines. Drawing is started once the user clicks on the screen, and new vertexes are added whenever the user left-clicks. To finish drawing, double-click or left-click the starting point.


Used to display text. Double-click the text box to edit the initial value or go into binding properties and change the Initial Value of the text. The text can be changed during runtime by binding a tag to the text box.


Used to import an image to the current page. Acceptable image formats are *.png, *.jpg, *.gif, *.jpeg, *.bmp, and *.svg.

Text Field

Used to input text during runtime. An action can be set to execute on enter. A tag may be bound to the text field to store the entered value.

Numeric Field

Used to input a number during runtime. An action can be set to execute on enter. A tag may be bound to the numeric field to store the entered value.


Used to create a switch/lamp object that displays a set image at each state. A tag may be bound to the switch/lamp object to change the state during runtime. Each state will display when the value of the bound tag matches the state number. Commands or scripts may be set to execute on press, on release, or on double-click. The most common use of a switch/lamp is to toggle a BOOL value on press to flip images off and on between states 0 and 1.


Momentary Button

Used to create a momentary button that displays a set image at three states: Inactive, Pressed, and Active. A tag must be bound to the momentary button before being able to save, and the tag is used to change the state during runtime. When pressed, the button will attempt to change the tag value to the On Press Value field and change it to the One Release Value field when released. The Inactive state will display when unpressed and the bound tag does not equal the On Press Value field. The Pressed state will display when pressed, and the bound tag does not equal the On Press Value field. The Active state will be shown when the bound tag is equal to the On Press Value field. Commands or scripts may be set to execute on press, on release, or on double-click.

Action Button

Used to create an action button that displays a set image at two states: Unpressed and Pressed. The Pressed state will display when the user is actively pressing the button, and the Unpressed state otherwise. Commands or scripts may be set to execute on press, on release, or on double-click.


Used to display the system’s date and time with a set format.

Fillable Rectangle

Used to draw a rectangle that fills based on a set Value field up to a set Max Value field. Both fields may have a tag bound to them to change the values during runtime.


Used to create a trend graph to plot historical data. At least one tag must be bound to a pen of the trend before being able to save, and the bound tags are used to change the data points during runtime.

Data Log Table

Used to create a data log table that lists historical data in columns and rows. A data logger model with at least one tag must be bound to the data log table before being able to save, and the table will show the model's contents during runtime.

Alarm Summary

Used to create an alarm summary that displays active, shelved, and historical alarm statuses.


Used to create a trend line without the graphical interface from a Trend. A tag must be bound to the sparkline before being able to save, and the bound tag is used to change the data points during runtime.

Audit Log Table

Used to create an audit log table that shows all of the actions users take in the form of a time, description, target, and value along with the user. The table can be filtered based on time interval and user and exported to a *.csv file format.



Stop Drawing

Used to stop drawing.


Used to draw lines.


Used to draw rectangles or squares.


Used to draw circles or ellipses.


Used to draw sectors of a circle.


Used to draw arcs.


Used to draw chords.


Used to draw polygons. Users can set how many sides, the height, and the width the polygon will be created with.


Used to draw polylines. Drawing is started once the user clicks on the screen, and new vertexes are added whenever the user left-clicks. To finish drawing, double-click or left-click the starting point.


Used to display text. Double-click the text box to edit the initial value or go into binding properties and change the Initial Value of the text. The text can be changed during runtime by binding a tag to the text box.


Used to import an image to the current page. Acceptable image formats are *.png, *.jpg, *.gif, *.jpeg, *.bmp, and *.svg.

Text Field

Used to input text during runtime. An action can be set to execute on enter. A tag may be bound to the text field to store the entered value.

Numeric Field

Used to input a number during runtime. An action can be set to execute on enter. A tag may be bound to the numeric field to store the entered value.


Used to create a switch/lamp object that displays a set image at each state. A tag may be bound to the switch/lamp object to change the state during runtime. Each state will display when the value of the bound tag matches the state number. Commands or scripts may be set to execute on press, on release, or on double-click. The most common use of a switch/lamp is to toggle a BOOL value on press to flip images off and on between states 0 and 1.


Momentary Button

Used to create a momentary button that displays a set image at three states: Inactive, Pressed, and Active. A tag must be bound to the momentary button before being able to save, and the tag is used to change the state during runtime. When pressed, the button will attempt to change the tag value to the On Press Value field and change it to the One Release Value field when released. The Inactive state will display when unpressed and the bound tag does not equal the On Press Value field. The Pressed state will display when pressed, and the bound tag does not equal the On Press Value field. The Active state will be shown when the bound tag is equal to the On Press Value field. Commands or scripts may be set to execute on press, on release, or on double-click.

Action Button

Used to create an action button that displays a set image at two states: Unpressed and Pressed. The Pressed state will display when the user is actively pressing the button, and the Unpressed state otherwise. Commands or scripts may be set to execute on press, on release, or on double-click.


Used to display the system’s date and time with a set format.

Fillable Rectangle

Used to draw a rectangle that fills based on a set Value field up to a set Max Value field. Both fields may have a tag bound to them to change the values during runtime.


Used to create a trend graph to plot historical data. At least one tag must be bound to a pen of the trend before being able to save, and the bound tags are used to change the data points during runtime.

Data Log Table

Used to create a data log table that lists historical data in columns and rows. A data logger model with at least one tag must be bound to the data log table before being able to save, and the table will show the model's contents during runtime.

Alarm Summary

Used to create an alarm summary that displays active, shelved, and historical alarm statuses.


Used to create a trend line without the graphical interface from a Trend. A tag must be bound to the sparkline before being able to save, and the bound tag is used to change the data points during runtime.

Audit Log Table

Used to create an audit log table that shows all of the actions users take in the form of a time, description, target, and value along with the user.




Bring to Front

Selected objects are elevated to a 0 Z-index, commencing at zero and incrementing by one for each object on a page, placing them in front of all other objects. Groups are treated as one object with internal Z-indexing for only the group.

Bring Forward

Decreases selected object’s Z-index by one, bringing it in front of objects with a higher Z-index.

Send Backward

Increases selected object’s Z-index by one, sending it behind objects with a lower Z-index.

Send to Back

Selected objects are lowered to the highest Z-index of a page, commencing at zero and incrementing by one for each object on a page, placing them behind all other objects. Groups are treated as one object with an internal Z-indexing for only the group.



Align all selected objects with the left edge of the leftmost selected object. Able to be used with two or more objects selected.


Align all selected objects to have the same x-value of the midpoint of all selected objects. Able to be used with two or more objects selected.


Align all selected objects with the right edge of the rightmost selected object. Able to be used with two or more objects selected.


Align all selected objects with the top edge of the topmost selected object. Able to be used with two or more objects selected.


Align all selected objects to have the same y-value of the midpoint of all selected objects. Able to be used with two or more objects selected.


Align all selected objects with the bottom edge of the bottommost selected object. Able to be used with two or more objects selected.



Align all selected objects evenly between the leftmost and rightmost selected objects. Able to be used with three or more objects selected.


Align all selected objects evenly between the topmost and bottommost selected objects. Able to be used with three or more objects selected.



Rotates the selected objects using a customized rotation angle to its rotation center.

Rotate Clockwise 90°

Rotates the selected objects 90 degrees counterclockwise based on the rotation center.

Rotate Counterclockwise


Rotates the selected objects 90 degrees clockwise based on the rotation center.

Flip Horizontally

Flips the selected objects horizontally based on the center point of the X-axis.

Flip Vertically

Flips the selected objects horizontally based on the center point of the Y-axis.


Combines all selected objects into one larger object. When clicking on any of the smaller objects, it will select all of them, allowing the user to move the objects simultaneously equally. Users can also add commands or scripts that will execute on press, release, or double-click for all objects in the group.


Uncombines all objects inside of a group. Any configuration or setting added to a group will be removed.


Masks all selected objects that are not hidden or unmasks all selected objects that are hidden. Show/Hide prioritizes hiding objects, so all selected objects must be hidden to unmask. Hidden items can be selected by clicking their name in the project tree. Objects can also be shown or hidden by clicking the Show/Hide eye icon next to their names in the project tree.


Locks all selected objects, making them unchangeable or unselectable. Objects can also be locked or unlocked by clicking the lock icon next to their names in the project tree.



Bring to Front

Selected objects are elevated to a 0 Z-index, commencing at zero and incrementing by one for each object on a page, placing them in front of all other objects. Groups are treated as one object with an internal Z-indexing for only the group.

Bring Forward One Layer

Decreases selected object’s Z-index by one, bringing it in front of objects with a higher Z-index.

Send Backward One Layer

Increases selected object’s Z-index by one, bringing it sending objects with a lower Z-index.

Send to Back

Selected objects are lowered to the highest Z-index of a page, commencing at zero and incrementing by one for each object on a page, placing them behind all other objects. Groups are treated as one object with an internal Z-indexing for only the group.

Align Left

Align all selected objects with the left edge of the leftmost selected object. Able to be used with two or more objects selected.

Align Horizontal Center

Align all selected objects to have the same x-value of the midpoint of all selected objects. Able to be used with two or more objects selected.

Align Right

Align all selected objects with the right edge of the rightmost selected object. Able to be used with two or more objects selected.

Align Top

Align all selected objects with the top edge of the topmost selected object. Able to be used with two or more objects selected.

Align Vertical Center

Align all selected objects to have the same y-value of the midpoint of all selected objects. Able to be used with two or more objects selected.

Align Bottom

Align all selected objects with the bottom edge of the bottommost selected object. Able to be used with two or more objects selected.

Distribute Horizontal

Align all selected objects evenly between the leftmost and rightmost objects. Able to be used with three or more objects selected.

Distribute Vertical

Align all selected objects evenly between the topmost and bottommost selected objects. Able to be used with three or more objects selected.

Rotate by Custom Angle

Rotates the selected objects using a customized rotation angle to its rotation center.

Rotate Counterclockwise 90°

Rotates the selected objects 90 degrees counterclockwise based on the rotation center.

Rotate Clockwise 90°

Rotates the selected objects 90 degrees clockwise based on the rotation center.

Horizontal Flip

Flips the selected objects horizontally based on the center point of the X-axis.

Vertical Flip

Flips the selected objects horizontally based on the center point of the Y-axis.



Launch Simulator…

Runs an instance of the project in the Canvas offline simulator.

Launch Online Simulator…

Runs an instance of the project in the Canvas online simulator that can connect to external devices.

Connection Setup…

Opens the Connection Setup page, which allows users to connect to external devices via IP address for project transfer, VNC, and remote controls.

I/O Device Editor…

Opens the I/O Device Editor window, which allows users to create devices that connect over ethernet or serial over a common protocol.

Data Server Editor…

Opens the Data Server Editor window, which allows users to create a Modbus, MQTT, or OPC UA slave.

Script Editor…

Opens the Script Editor window, which allows users to create or edit scripts.

Recipe Editor…

Opens the Recipe Editor window, which allows users to create, edit, or transfer recipes.

Alarm Editor…

Opens the Alarm Editor window, which allows users to create or edit alarms, alarm descriptions, and alarm summary labels.

Data Log Editor…

Opens the Data Log Editor window, which allows users to create or edit data log models that list historical data in columns and rows.

Identity and Access Management…

Opens the Identity and Access Management window, which allows users to create or edit users, groups, and permissions.

Schedule Editor…

Opens the Schedule Editor, which allows users to set an action to execute at a specified time or time interval.

Translation Editor…

Opens the Translation Editor, which allows users to add text as keys that can be easily changed to other languages.

Cross Reference…

Opens the Cross Reference window, which allows users to search for all instances of a tag, script, page, or permission being used.



Open Connection Setup…

Opens the Connection Setup page, which allows users to connect to external devices via IP address for project transfer, VNC, and remote controls.

Download Project to Selected Device…

Downloads the project from the host to the selected device.

Upload Project from Selected Device…

Uploads the project from the selected device to the host.

Launch Simulator…

Runs an instance of the project in the Canvas offline simulator.

Launch Online Simulator…

Runs an instance of the project in the Canvas online simulator that can connect to external devices.



Open I/O Device Editor…

Opens the I/O Device Editor window, which allows users to create devices that connect over ethernet or serial over a common protocol.

Open Data Server Editor…

Opens the Data Server Editor window, which allows users to create a Modbus, MQTT, or OPC UA slave.

Open Script Editor…

Opens the Script Editor window, which allows users to create or edit scripts.

Open Recipe Editor…

Opens the Recipe Editor window, which allows users to create, edit, or transfer recipes.

Open Alarm Editor…

Opens the Alarm Editor window, which allows users to create or edit alarms, alarm descriptions, and alarm summary labels.

Open Data Log Editor…

Opens the Data Log Editor window, which allows users to create or edit data log models that list historical data in columns and rows.

Open Identity and Access Manager…

Opens the Identity and Access Management window, which allows users to create or edit users, groups, and permissions.

Open Schedule Editor

Opens the Schedule Editor, which allows users to set an action to execute at a specified time or time interval.

Open Translation Editor…

Opens the Translation Editor, which allows users to add text as keys that can be easily changed to other languages.

Open Cross Reference…

Opens the Cross Reference window, which allows users to search for all instances of a tag, script, page, or permission being used.




Changes the style of text.

Add Custom Font

Allows the user to install custom fonts not available by default.


Changes the size of the text.


Changes the color of the text.


Bolds the selected text.


Italicize the selected text.


Underline the selected text.

Align Left

Align the text to the left of the text box.

Align Center

Align the text to the center of the text box.

Align Right

Align the text to the right of the text box.

Top Align

Align the text to the top of the text box.

Vertical Align Center

Align the text to the center of the text box.

Bottom Align

Align the text to the bottom of the text box.





Opens the Canvas online help file.


Opens the Canvas offline help file, a PDF of the online version.

About Canvas...

Opens the About Canvas window that displays all currently installed Canvas versions.

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