Cross Reference
Feature Description
Cross Reference is a handy feature that allows users to quickly check, manage, and modify the project tags, scripts, pages, and permissions. Users can check the designated types' location, feature, and settings searched in the Cross Reference window.
Designer Functionalities
Cross Reference
Click Tools > Cross Reference or use the hotkey [F3] to open the Cross Reference window, as displayed on the right:
Users can check the tag, script, page, or permission information on a single window. Tags are categorized by Tag Path, I/O Device, and I/O Address, whereas scripts, pages, and permissions are by name. All four tabs also contain Result Type, Item Name, and Property Type categories.
Users can also unbind a tag, script, page, or permission registered to an object and convert it to another in one action.
If numerous tags, scripts, pages, and permissions are used in the project, the program's response time may be delayed on the execution of Cross Reference.
Search Scope
This option persists through the Tags, Scripts, Pages, and Permissions tabs of the Cross Reference window. Through this window, users can direct their search to specific areas of the project. These areas include Object Properties, Page Properties, Project Properties, Scripts, Tag Database, I/O Devices, Data Server Devices, Alarms, Data Loggers, Security, Scheduler, and Translations.
If the Pages Scope Type is selected, the Search Scope is limited to pages.
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Search For
Allows users to search for specific tags, scripts, pages, and permissions depending on the tab selected in the Cross Reference window. Users can then see any instance where the desired tag, script, page, or permission is used within the project file and select them by checking the box on the left side of the search window. Users can also checkmark the checkbox in the header to select all available search queries.
If a new tag, script, page, or permission is created and applied to an object while the Cross Reference window is open, the new application will not appear in the search window until the user clicks Search.
Replace With
The Replace With feature replaces the selected tags, scripts, pages, or permissions from the search box with the tag, script, page, or permission assigned in the Replace With field.
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