3.4.1 Creating a Page

Go to [File] – [New Page] or click the ‘New Page’ icon from the main toolbar. When you create a project, the ‘Page Properties’ dialog box will appear. You can choose the type of page in the combo box. You can select normal, popup, or keypad page.


As soon as the page is created, a page file is instantly saved as “*.pgx” in the project directory. The page name is made up of each page type and page number by default. The three types of pages are: Normal page (Base), Popup page (Popup), and Keypad page (Keypad).

The page name is added to the page tree according to its page type (Normal page: B, Popup page: P, Keypad page: K) and page number.

When a page is created, the ‘Tag screen’ and ‘Object window’ are visible by default. Tags and object names shown in the page are listed in each window. You can disable these in the [View] menu.

To save changes made on the page, click [File] – [Save] or the ‘Save’ icon. You can also save multiple pages at once by selecting [File] – [Save All] or the ‘Save All’ icon.

To change the size or position of the page, right-click on the page or go to [Tools] – [Page Setup] to open the ‘Page Properties’ dialog box. Set values under the [Page Position] tab within the ‘Page Properties’ dialog box.

Please note that you can only use pages whose sizes do not exceed the model size of the project. The table below shows the size of each model. Use the table as a reference when configuring the position and size of page.




480 x 272


800 x 480


800 x 600


800 x 600


800 x 600


1024 x 768


Normal Page

You can add a standard window by selecting ‘Normal page’ in the [Page Property] tab within the ‘Page Properties’ dialog box. The default size of the page is the same size as the project model. The default page name is ‘Base 1’.

Popup Page

You can add a popup page window by selecting ‘Popup page’ in the [Page Property] tab within the ‘Page Properties’ dialog box. The popup page is used to float another window upon the normal page. The default size of the page is the same as the project model. The default page name is ‘Popup 1’.

When ‘Top Most’ is selected for a popup page, you can decide whether or not to display the popup page on the specified screen.




Always shows popup page without any display conditions.

Visible in Screen

Shows popup page only on the specified screen. You can specify the screen for individual pages by separating them with commas (ex: “1“ or “2, 4“). You can specify continuous pages using the first and last numbers, separated by a dash (ex: “3-5“).

Hide in Screen

Hides popup page on the specified screen. You can specify the screen by a single page like 1, 2. You can specify the first and last numbers such as 3-5 for continuous pages.






- If you use a data logging object, a trend graph, an alarm summary, or a key input window object on a popup page, the shortcut keys for data logging may not work properly.

- The popup 'display condition’ is a feature that shows or hides a popup page according to the user’s need. Just because you do not see a popup page due to the ‘Hide in Screen’ setting, this does not mean the invisible popup page is closed in the project. In the example described below, you must choose to close the popup page.

1. Automatically open a popup page for alarm operation.

2. Select 'Top Most' for the popup page. Hide the popup page on the currently displayed screen using the ‘Display Condition’ field.

3. All alarms are cleared using a dedicated (normal) alarm screen.

4. Move to another page.

→ If you do not close the popup page when the alarms are cleared in step 3, the popup page which opened in step 1 will be displayed again when you go another page in step 4. Please close the popup page when you clear the alarms in step 3.

→ When switching a page, use page-related command expressions (e.g. “Prepage()”)

Keypad Page

You can add a keypad window by selecting ‘Keypad page’ in the [Page Property] tab within the ‘Page Properties’ dialog box. The default size of the page is the same as the size of project model. Page name is specified as ‘Keypad 1’. This page is used for the key input object.

The size of keypad pages must be smaller than the size of project model. Also, a keypad page must contain one or more key input objects.

You can design a data entry screen by using a keypad page. To configure the keypad page settings, select the ‘Open Keypad Page’ option under the ‘Touch’ feature in object configuration.

※ Please refer to the Key input window manual for more information about the key input object.

If you add a key input object to a popup page, the shortcut keys for data logging may not work properly.