Debugging ST Language

Debugging ST Language

Debugging Parameter




Continuous debugging :

  • "Continuous debugging" selected : ST program will be consistently debugged.

  • "Continuous debugging" deselected : ST program will be debugged only once.

  • When this option is used, there must be a break point before starting a debugging procedure, if it is added while debugging, the break point will not operate.
    Debugging only open files :

  • "Debugging only open files" selected : Debugging procedure is performed only on the currently displaying ST program on screen.

  • If the program window is opened or closed during the debugging procedure, that program will be included to / excluded from the debugging procedure.

  • "Debugging only open files" deselected : Debugging procedure is performed to all the ST programs even the closed programs.
    In case of the closed ST programs they will be opened automatically to be debugged.


Debugging Hot Key

F5 Key (While debugging procedure is not performed) : Starts debugging


F5 (While debugging) : Debugs until the next breakpoint.
F6 : Debugs until the next step
F9 : Adds or removes the break point
Shift + F5 : Stop debugging.

  • The feature to change the debug hot keys will be added in the later release.

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