Trouble Shooting - ST
Trouble Shooting - ST
This section describes about how to deal with errors, malfunctions that can happen while running the system.
When infinite loop program is created by using Repetitive Statements
When Repetitive Statements like WHILE, REPEAT are used, the conditional expression must be built properly. Otherwise, it might cause an infinite loop in a program.
If an infinite loop is created in a program, the PLC will be disconnected from CICON and malfunction such as Error LEDs blinking in the special modules.
In this case, follow the steps below.
Move the RUN/STOP switch of PLC CPU to LOCAL STOP.
Turn off and on the PLC power.
Open CICON and download the modified ST program.
Move the RUN/STOP switch of PLC CPU to LOCAL RUN or Remote RUN.
, multiple selections available,
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