13.1.6 Internal Functions
Canvas uses JavaScript ES5 for scripting. Nearly all objects and functions that are supported in ES5 are available. For a complete list of supported features, see the ES5 specification: https://262.ecma-international.org/5.1/.
Canvas does not support the use of console.log
. Instead, it is recommended that you use notification.send
or write the desired output to a string tag.
Canvas provides a set of utility functions and objects for interacting with the project and with the Xpanel device.
For example, the built-in datalog
object includes the functions start
, stop
, and addRow
. These can be accessed in a script to start a data log model, stop a model, or add a row to a model, respectively.
Below is a list of the built-in functions provided by Canvas.
Provides a way to interact with Gateway alarms.
Function Name | Description | Arguments | Returns |
| Creates a CSV file of all alarms in the specified location. | enum storageType: see the |
| Creates a CSV file of all alarms with the specified label in the specified location. | string label: the name of an alarm label to use as a filter. Storage type: see the |
// Write an alarm CSV to the HMI's hard drive
// Write a CSV to a USB drive. Only contains alarms with the label "myLabel"
alarm.createCsv("myLabel", Storage.Usb);
Provides a way to interact with Gateway data log models.
Function Name | Description | Arguments | Returns |
| Causes the specified logging model to begin logging. | string modelName: the name of the data log model to target. |
| Causes the specified logging model to stop logging. | string modelName: the name of the data log model to target. |
| Adds a single row to the specified logging model. | string modelName: the name of the data log model to target. |
| Creates a CSV file of the specified logging model in the specified location. | string modelName: the name of the data log model to target. enum storageType: see the Storage section below. |
| Creates a CSV file of the specified logging model, in the specified location, within some time bound. | string modelName: the name of the data log model to target. Date start: a JavaScript Date object specifying the beginning of the time range. Date stop: a JavaScript Date object specifying the end of the time range. enum storageType: see the Storage section below. |
// Enable the model, add one row of data, then disable the model again
// Store a CSV with all data for the model
datalog.createCsv("myModel", Storage.Local);
// Store a CSV with the past hour of data to an SD card
var current = new Date(Date.now());
var past = new Date(current);
past.setHours(past.getHours() - 1);
datalog.createCsvForRange("myModel", past, current, Storage.Sd);
Allows for sending keyboard events and bringing up keyboard popups for inputting values.
Function Name | Description | Arguments | Returns |
| Simulates a keyboard press for integer code Text Field objects will receive key events sent by this function. Example: keyboard.sendKeyEvent(0x48); // H
keyboard.sendKeyEvent(0x45); // E
keyboard.sendKeyEvent(0x4c); // L
keyboard.sendKeyEvent(0x4c); // L
keyboard.sendKeyEvent(0x4f); // O
keyboard.sendKeyEvent(0x01000004); // Return
// 'H' 'E' 'L' 'L' 'O' <Return> | keyCode: a number indicating which key to simulate. May be either hexadecimal or decimal. For example, |
| Creates a popup numeric keypad that will set a tag to the user input value. Only accepts valid floating-point numbers. Note: This function does not wait for user input, nor does it return the entered value. The rest of the script will be executed immediately. | tagName: the name of the tag to set. object properties (optional): an object specifying optional properties to be used for the popup. See the properties section below for details. |
| Creates a popup keyboard that will set a tag to the user input value. Note: This function does not wait for user input, nor does it return the entered value. The rest of the script will be executed immediately. | tagName: the name of the tag to set. object properties (optional): an object specifying optional properties to be used for the popup. See the properties section below for details. |
For keyboard.launchKeypad
and keyboard.launchKeyboard
, the properties argument is a JavaScript object that supports the following properties:
Property | Description |
header | Sets the header. |
subheader | Sets the subheader. |
x | Sets the x position on the screen. |
y | Sets the y position on the screen. |
format | Sets the initialized numeric format. Having a hexadecimal format enables the hexadecimal keys. |
min | Sets the minimum value the keypad will accept. |
max | Sets the maximum value the keypad will accept. |
// Open a numerical keypad to edit the value of "numericTag"
// Edit a numerical tag using custom display options
keyboard.launchKeypad("numericTag", {"x": 100, "y": 200, "format": "HH"});
// Open a text keyboard to edit a string tag
// Edit a string tag with custom display options
keyboard.launchKeyboard("stringTag", {"header": "Setting OtherTag", "x": 100, "y": 200});
Provides a way to interact with the notifications system.
Function Name | Description | Arguments | Returns |
| Sends a popup notification to the screen using the specified string. | string msg: the string to display. int dismissInterval (optional): the approximate number of seconds to wait before automatically dismissing the notification. A value of less than zero means to stay in the notification system indefinitely. Default |
// Send a notification to the screen
// Send a notification that automatically dismisses itself after 3 seconds
notification.send("Hello for a moment.", 3000);
Allows for manipulation of project pages and the current page.
Function Name | Description | Arguments | Returns |
| Opens the page with name name. Note: If the specified page is not a popup page, it will replace (close) the current page. | string name: the name of the page to open |
| Opens the page with index index. Note: If the specified page is not a popup page, it will replace (close) the current page. | number index: the index of the page to open |
| Closes the page with name name. Note: With this function, it is possible to accidentally close all pages in the project. This function should be used primarily for popup pages. | string name: the name of the page to open |
| Closes the page with index index. Note: With this function, it is possible to accidentally close all pages in the project. This function should be used primarily for popup pages. | number index: the index of the page to open |
| Returns whether a page with name name is open. | string name: the name of the page to open |
| Gets the name of the currently opened page. | N/A | A string containing the name of the currently opened page. |
| Gets the index of the currently-opened page. | N/A | A number containing the index of the currently opened page. |
// If the page "WarningPage" is currently open, open the page "WarningPopupPage"
// Otherwise, open the page with index 1
if (page.currentName() == "WarningPage") {
} else {
Provides a way to enable and disable schedules.
Function Name | Description | Arguments | Returns |
| Returns whether or not schedule title is enabled. | string title: the name of the schedule to check. |
| Enables schedule title if enable is true; otherwise turns schedule off. | string title: the name of the schedule to check. bool enable: whether to enable ( |
// Toggle whether the schedule "mySchedule" is enabled
schedule.setEnable("mySchedule", !schedule.isEnabled("mySchedule"));
The Storage
object allows you to specify a location for saving various data within scripts. Either the numerical value (0, 1, 2, 3) or the enum value (Storage.Invalid
, Storage.Local
, Storage.Usb
, Storage.SdCard
) may be used whenever a storageType argument is required.
Note that the specific file path depends on the script being used.
Constant | Value | Description |
| 0 | Invalid storage type |
| 1 | The root storage device |
| 2 | Removable storage device |
| 3 | Removable memory card |
// Store an alarm CSV to the USB drive
alarm.createCsv("Level 1", Storage.Usb);
// Store an alarm CSV to the SD card
alarm.createCsv("Level 1", Storage.Sd);
// Store a data log CSV to the HMI
datalog.createCsv("model", Storage.Local);
Provides a way to interact with the runtime application.
Function Name | Description | Arguments | Returns |
| Executes a script in the current project named scriptName on the current thread. Any variables and functions declared in the target script will become accessible in the calling script. Note: The calling script will not continue to execute until the target script finishes executing. For more details, see the Built-In Functions for Script Importing and Execution section. | string scriptName: the name of the script to execute. | The value of the last expression of the specified script. For example, if the external script “myScript“ contains the following: notification.send("In external script...");
7; then This can be used to pass information from the target script to the calling script. |
| Executes a script named scriptName from the current project. Note: The target script will run on a separate thread. Execution of the calling script will immediately continue. The target script will not be able to access any variables defined in the calling script, and vice-versa. For more details, see the Built-In Functions for Script Importing and Execution section. | string scriptName: the name of the script to execute. |
| Opens the runtime config (3 touch) menu. | N/A |
| Opens the Xpanel Control Center (desktop). Note: This function does nothing in the simulator. | N/A |
| Sets the language used by the runtime translation feature. | string language: the name of the language to use. This should be one of the column names defined in the Translation Editor window. |
| Immediately logs in as the specified user for the runtime IAM feature. Note: Do not store user passwords using tags that can be accessed by other devices or by non-authorized users. | string username: the name of the IAM user to log in. string password: the password for the specified user. If the user does not have a password, you may omit this argument or use an empty string |
Note: a return value of |
| Opens the built-in dialog for logging in a user for the IAM system. Note: This function does not wait for user input, nor does it return whether the user was logged in. The rest of the script will be executed immediately. | object properties (optional): an object specifying optional properties to be used for the popup. See the properties section below for details. |
| Opens the built-in dialog for authenticating a user. The user will be required to re-enter their password. If no user is specified, the current user will be used instead. If no user is logged in, the function will return false. Note: This function blocks the event loop. The calling script will not continue executing until the dialog is closed. | object properties: an object specifying optional properties to be used for the popup. See the properties section below for details. |
| Logs out the current user from the IAM system. | N/A |
| Checks to see if the current user has the specified permission. | string permission: the name of the permission to check. |
| Closes the current project and the runtime application. The gateway will also be closed if running on the same device. | N/A |
For system.openLoginWindow
, the properties argument is a JavaScript object that supports the following properties:
Property | Description |
listUsers | Sets whether the username input should be a combo box ( |
For openAuthWindow
, the properties argument is a JavaScript object that supports the following properties:
Property | Description |
username | Sets the desired user to authenticate. If no user is provided, the current user will be used. If no user is logged in, return false immediately. |
// Run a script in the same thread
// Run a script in a different thread
// Open the 3-touch config menu
// Set the translation language to Spanish
// Login as a user named "guest" that has no password
// Open the login window and show the list of users in the project
system.openLoginWindow({"listUsers": true});
// Open the authorization window and request the password for the user "myUser"
system.openAuthWindow({"username": "myUser"});
// Logout the current user
// Check if the current user has the "Admin" permission
if (system.hasPermission("Admin")) {
tag.write("someImportantTag", true);
} else {
notification.send("Error: insufficient permissions.");
// Exit the runtime and stop the project
Allows for the manipulation of tags.
Function Name | Description | Arguments | Returns |
| Gets the current value of the tag with name name. | string name: the name of the tag. Note: tags in groups can be accessed using the forward slash character | The value of the tag. STRING tags return strings, BOOL tags return booleans, and all numeric tag types return numbers. |
| Sets the value of the tag with name name to value. | string name: the name of the tag. Note: tags in groups can be accessed using the forward slash character value: the value to set the tag to. STRING tags expect strings, BOOL tags expect booleans, and all numeric tag types expect numbers. |
// Set the value of "MyTag" to be 20 more than the value of "MyOtherTag"
tag.write("MyTag", tag.read("MyOtherTag") + 20);
Note: See the Reading and Writing Tag Values section for more information.
Pauses the script for a specified amount of time. Only affects the calling script’s thread.
Note: The functions provided by this class do not guarantee accuracy. The application may sleep longer than the desired time under heavy load conditions.
Function Name | Description | Arguments | Returns |
| Suspends the current thread for msecs milliseconds. | number msecs: the number of milliseconds to sleep for. |
| Suspends the current thread for secs seconds. | number secs: the number of seconds to sleep for. |
// Check the value of a tag once per second
// If true, increment a different tag value
while (true) {
if (tag.read("doIncrement")) {
tag.write("mytag", tag.read("myTag") + 1);
// Gradually increase a tag value from 0 to 10 over the course of 1 second
var value = 0;
while (value < 10) {
tag.write("myTag", value);
value += 1;
Rapidly writing tag values may reduce the performance, especially when using tags that are not local to the runtime.