Device Communication Information
I/O Device Editor
Item | Description |
New Device | Adds a device. |
New Station | Adds a station to a serial device. |
Delete Device | Deletes the selected device or station. |
Copy Device | Saves the selected device’s content in the clipboard. This includes stations for serial devices. |
Expand All | Shows all dropdown content within the I/O Device Editor window. |
Collapse All | Hides all dropdown content within the I/O Device Editor window. |
Collapse | Collapses the selected tree from Ethernet Device or Serial Device. |
Expand | Expands the selected tree from Ethernet Device or Serial Device. |
Ethernet Device | Lists all created ethernet devices under a dropdown. |
Serial Device | Lists all created serial devices and their stations under a dropdown. |
Certificates Editor | Opens the Certificates Editor to manage Key Pairs and Trust Stores. |
OK | Closes the I/O Device Editor window. |
Add New I/O Device
Item | Description |
Connection Type | Select between Ethernet or Serial to determine the type of link between the HMI project and an external device. |
Device Name | Assigns a name to the user’s device. |
Device Type | Assigns a protocol to communicate over for the I/O device. |
I/O Device Editor - Ethernet Device
Item | Description | |
Device Name | Assigns a name to the user’s device. | |
Device Protocol | Assigns a protocol to communicate over for the I/O device. The current protocols Canvas supports are CIMON PLC (HMI Protocol), Allen-Bradley EtherNet/IP, Fatek FBS, LSIS FEnet, Mitsubishi MELSEC Ethernet, Modbus TCP, ODVA EtherNet/IP, OPC UA Client, Omron FINS, Proface GPEthernet and Siemens S7. | |
Timeout (ms) | Sets the maximum time to wait without any response before listing a communication failure. | |
Retry Count | Number of retries to reconnect for when a communication failure occurs. | |
Swap (Integer) | Swaps the upper and lower bytes of integer data. | |
Swap (String) | Swaps the upper and lower bytes of a string word data. | |
Swap (Float32) | Swaps the upper and lower bytes of float32 data. | |
Swap (Float64) | Swaps the upper and lower bytes of float64 data. | |
Station Number | The specific address of identifier of the PLC to communicate within a network. | |
String Encoding | Assign an encoding method for reading and writing strings stored on a device. This setting can be overwritten for tags in the Edit Tag menu. The current methods supported by Canvas are ASCII, ISO-8859-1, Latin1, Windows-1252, Windows-949, CP949, Shift_JIS, GBK, and UTF-8. | |
String Encoding Method | When an invalid character is encountered, the gateway will do one of the following: | |
Replace | Will replace any invalid characters within the string with “?”. | |
Skip | Will skip the invalid character and continue with the next one. | |
Stop | Will stop reading the string and truncate any remaining characters. | |
Read Immediately After Write | If toggled, it will perform a write request and immediately perform a read without needing to wait for a scan. | |
PLC Type | Select the type of PLC that will be connected. Is only available in specific protocols. | |
Message Type | Assigns a specific type of transmission type between devices. | |
Explicit | Message is for point to point communication between devices. | |
Implicit | Used for real-time I/O data exchange, it does not require explicit designation of the target device. | |
UCMM | Unconnected Message Manager allows unconnected and unscheduled messages to be exchanged between devices that do not have an established connection or a fixed exchange schedule. | |
Use Multiple Service | Toggling this will allow the capability of the devices to handle multuple concurrent service reuqests or operations from different devices. | |
Host | The IPv4 address of the target I/O Device. | |
Ethernet Type | Assign the Ethernet protocol to use to connect to the device. | |
Port | Choose the port number for the target I/O device. | |
Slot Number | The slot number of the device. Valid numbers are from 0 - 255. | |
Frame Type | Assigns a frame type. Canvas only supports 4E currently. | |
Unit Identifier | Assigns a unit ID of the device. Valid numbers are from 0 - 255. | |
Application URI | Assigns the Uniform Resource Identifier to locate the asset on the network. | |
Enable Encryption | Checking this will enable encryption and allow some more features to be changed. | |
Genereate Encryption Certificates | Will automatically generate a key pair on the device. Unchecking this box will allow the user to assign a specific key pair instead. | |
Encryption Key Pair | Selects a key pair to use for encryption. Users may create a new one or use an existing one. Key pairs may be created and edited within the Certificates Editor. | |
Security Policy | Select an encryption method for communication with the server. Current encryptions methods are “Basic128Rsa15”, “Basic256”, “Basic256Sha256”, “Aes128_Sha256_RsaOaep” or “None”. | |
Message Security | Selects if the data should be signed, encrypted, signed and encrypted, or neither. | |
Server Name | Assign a name to the server. | |
Authentication Method | Select the Authentication Method for the encryption. Options include “Anonymous” or “Username” | |
Authentication Username | Enters the username for the client. | |
Authentication Password | Enter the password for the specified client. | |
Source Node ID | Assign a Source Node ID. Valid numbers are 0-254 for TCP and 1-254 for UDP. | |
Source Network ID | Assign a Source Network ID. Valid numbers are 0-65535. | |
Destination Network ID | Assign a Destination Network ID. Valid numbers include 0-65535. | |
Destination Node ID | Assign a Destination Node ID. Valid numbers include 0-65535. | |
Destination Unit ID | Assign a Destination Unit. Valid numbers include 0-65535. | |
Rack Number | Assign a Rack Number of the target device. Valid numbers include 0-255. |
I/O Device Editor - Serial Device
Item | Description | |
Device Name | Assigns a name to the user’s I/O serial device. | |
Device Protocol | Assigns a protocol to use to communicate with the serial device. The options are CIMON PLC (HMI Protocol), LSIS Cnet, Mitsubishi MELSEC Serial, Modbus RTU, Omron HostLink, Panasonic FP7, and Yokogawa FA-M3. | |
Timeout (ms) | Sets the maximum time to wait without any response before listing a communication failure. | |
Retry Count | Number of retries to reconnect for when a communication failure occurs. | |
String Encoding | Specifies the encoding method for reading and writing string values stored on the device. The available encoding methods are ASCII, ISO-8859-1, Latin1, Windows-1252, Windows-949, CP949, Shift_JIS, GBK, and UTF-8. | |
String Encoding Method | When an invalid character is encountered, the gateway will do one of the following: | |
Replace | Will replace any invalid characters within the string with “?”. | |
Skip | Will skip the invalid character and continue with the next one. | |
Stop | Will stop reading the string and truncate any remaining characters. | |
Read Immediately After Write | If toggled, it will perform a write request and immediately perform a read without needing to wait for a scan. | |
PLC Type | Select the type of PLC that will be connected. Is only available in specific protocols. | |
Serial Port | Assigns a COM port for the device. COM1 is for RS-422/485, COM2 is for RS-232-C, and COM3 is for RS-232-C for 10, 12, and 15 inch Xpanels only. | |
Comm Type | Assigns a communication type for the COM port. COM2 and COM3 are forced to be RS-232, but COM1 can be RS-422 or RS-485. | |
Baudrate | Controls the rate at which information is transferred between devices. The options are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, and 230400. | |
Parity | Used to determine if the device correctly received the character. Both devices need to have the same parity. | |
Data Bits | Assigns the number of data bits there are in each packet between 7 and 8. If the data contains any Korean characters, select 8 bits to avoid errors. | |
Stop Bits | Assigns the number of stop bits there are between each frame between 1 and 2. | |
Flow Control | Limits how much data is being sent into the device. This can be either On, Off, or Control. | |
Transmission Delay | Sets the time in miliseconds that the client device will wait before sending a request. | |
Read Block Tolerance | Sets the allowed amount of unused device addresses per block. Only applies to Modbus RTU. | |
Frame Type | Used to confirm that data sent was correctly transmitted / received. Only applies to Mitsubishi MELSEC Serial, and only 3C is supported in Canvas. |
Certificates Editor
Item | Description |
Add new Key Pair / Add new Trust Store | Adds a key pair or trust store. |
Delete Key Pair / Delete Trust Store | Deletes the selected key pair or trust store. |
Edit Key Pair / Edit Trust Store | Edits the selected key pair or trust store. |
OK | Closes the Certificates Editor window. |
Key Pairs
Item | Description |
Name | Displays all of the current key pair names in order of creation. |
Certificate | Displays all of the current certificates for created key pairs. |
Private Key | Displays all of the current private keys for created key pairs. |
Description | Displays all of the current descriptions of created key pairs. |
New Key Pair
Item | Description |
Name | Assigns a name to the user’s key pair. |
Certificate | Assigns the selected file to be the certificate of the key pair. |
Private Key | Assigns the selected file to be the private key of the key pair. |
Description | Assigns a description to the key pair. |
Use Password | Controls whether or not the key pair will have a Private Key Password or not. |
Private Key Password | Assigns a private key password to the key pair. |
Trust Stores
Item | Description |
Trust Store | Displays all of the current trust store names in order of creation. |
Description | Displays all of the current descriptions of created trust stores. |
Certificates | Displays all of the currently added certificates in created trust stores. |
New Trust Store
Item | Description |
Name | Assigns a name to the user’s trust store. |
Certificates | Assigns the selected files using the Add Certificate icon to be certificates in the trust store. |
Description | Assigns a description to the trust store. |
Data Server Editor
Item | Description |
New Device | Adds a device. |
Delete Device | Deletes the selected device. |
Copy Device | Saves the selected device’s content in the clipboard. |
Paste Device | Pastes the device’s content in a Data Server Editor window. This can be done through different projects, but ethernet devices will only paste under ethernet and serial devices will only paste under serial. |
Expand All | Shows all dropdown content within the Data Server Editor window. |
Collapse All | Hides all dropdown content within the Data Server Editor window. |
Collapse | Collapses the selected tree from Ethernet Device or Serial Device. |
Expand | Expands the selected tree from Ethernet Device or Serial Device. |
Device Setting | Opens the Device Settings tab. |
Device Tag | Opens the Device Tag tab. |
Certificates Editor | Opens the Certificates Editor to manage Key Pairs and Trust Stores. |
Payload Editor | Opens the Payload Editor to manage Payload settings and properties. |
OK | Closes the Data Server Editor window. |
Add New Server Device
Item | Description |
Connection Type | Select between Ethernet or Serial to determine the type of link between the HMI project and an external device. |
Device Name | Assigns a name to the user’s device. |
Device Type | Assigns a protocol to communicate over for the data server device. |
Device Setting - Ethernet Device
Item | Description | |
Device Name | Assigns a name to the user’s device. | |
Device Protocol | Assigns a protocol to use to communicate with the serial device. The options are MQTT JSON Publisher, Modbus TCP and OPC UA Server. | |
Use All Tags | Toggle that allows the users to host all tags in the project on the data server. | |
Server Name | Assign a name to the server. | |
Application URI | Assigns the Uniform Resource Identifier to locate the asset on the network. | |
Application Name | Sets the name of the Application. | |
Port | Choose the port number for the target Data Server. | |
Unit ID | Assigns a value to be the slave/server ID for Modbus TCP communication. | |
String Encoding | Specifies the encoding method for reading and writing string values stored on the device. The available encoding methods are ASCII, ISO-8859-1, Latin1, Windows-1252, Windows-949, CP949, Shift_JIS, GBK, and UTF-8. | |
String Encoding Method | When an invalid character is encountered, the gateway will do one of the following: | |
Replace | Will replace any invalid characters within the string with “?”. | |
Skip | Will skip the invalid character and continue with the next one. | |
Stop | Will stop reading the string and truncate any remaining characters. | |
Broker Address | IPv4 address or hostname for the MQTT broker. | |
Port | hoose the port number for the target MQTT broker. | |
Client ID | Assigns a client ID for publishing and subscribing. | |
Use Clean Session | Enables connecting to the MQTT broker using a non persistent connection. | |
Keep Alive | Notes the keepalive time used by the MQTT client. This will be displayed in seconds. | |
Use SSL | Enables the use of SSL encryption with the broker. | |
Key Pair | Select a key pair to use for SSL encryption. These key pairs can be edited in the Certificates Editor window. | |
Trust Store | Select a trust store to use for SSL encryption. These trust stores can be edited in the Certificates Editor window. | |
Use MQTT Passwords | If toggled, a username and password will be used for connecting to the MQTT | |
MQTT Username | Assign a username for connecting to the MQTT broker. | |
MQTT Password | Assign a password for connecting to the MQTT broker. | |
Use Message Queue | Toggle that will tell if the client should use a message queue, and will store messages when the client is disconnected. | |
Message Queue Size | Assigns the number of messages to be held in the message queue. Acceptable values are 20 to 10000. | |
Message Queue Publish Rate Limit | Minimum time between publishes, with 0 being as soon as possible. Maximum value is 10000. | |
Use Message Queue Age Limit | Toggle that will impose an age limit on queued messages. | |
Message Queue Age Limit (s) | The maximum age of a message in seconds that will be published. | |
Running Mode | Sets the criteria for when to publish a payload. | |
On Change any | Will publish a message every time a tag value updates. This is the default. | |
On Scan Delta | Will publish after every scan, but only generates message for changed tag values. | |
On Scan All | Will publish all tag values after every scan. Will publish even if there are no changes. | |
Polling Rate (ms) | Determins the rate for polling tag changes. This will only be available in “On Scan Delta” or “On Scan All” | |
Publish Payload Format | Can select one of the following built-in payload formats for publishing: The client devices must be configured to listen for payloads with the matching format. | |
Single | Each payload contains data from a single tag. | |
Multi | Each payload contains data from multiple tags. | |
No Wrap | The payload root object is the tag object, and all tag properties are direct children of the root object. Only available for “Single” payloads. | |
Wrap | Uses the tag ID as a property name for the value object. Available for both Single and Multi Payloads. | |
Array Wrap | Stores an array of tag objects named “Tags”. The tag ID property is included in the tag object. | |
Basic | Includes the following properties: Value and Value Time. | |
Full | Includes the following properties: Value, Value Time, Type, Read Time, Device, and Quality. | |
Publish QOS | Controls the Quality of Service to use when publishing. This determines how many times each message will be sent in the event there is packet loss. In general, a higher value means communication will be more reliable but require more handshakes and bandwidth consumption. | |
Zero | The message will be sent at most once. | |
1 | The message will be sent at least once but may be sent multiple times. | |
2 | The message will be sent exactly once. | |
Publish Retain Messages | If enabled, the broker will retain the last known value for each topic. When a new client subscribes to a topic, the value that was retained will be published to the client by the broker. The broker can only retain one value per topic. | |
Publish Topic Prefix | Sets a prefix string to include in all publish topics. This does not add a “/” level separator to a full topic. | |
Publish Topic Suffix | Sets a suffix string to include in all public topics. This does not add a “/” level separator to a full topic. | |
Access Type | Assigns access to tags between Publish/Subscribe and Publish Only. The MQTT JSON Publisher server always publishes MQTT messages when a hosted tag’s value updates, but users can choose whether or not to subscribe to MQTT messages from clients. | |
Subscribe Payload Format | Can select one of the following built-in payload formats for subscribing: The client devices must be configured to listen for payloads with the matching format. | |
Single | Each payload contains data from a single tag. | |
Multi | Each payload contains data from multiple tags. | |
No Wrap | The payload root object is the tag object, and all tag properties are direct children of the root object. Only available for “Single” payloads. | |
Wrap | Uses the tag ID as a property name for the value object. Available for both Single and Multi Payloads. | |
Array Wrap | Stores an array of tag objects named “Tags”. The tag ID property is included in the tag object. | |
Basic | Includes the following properties: Value and Value Time. | |
Full | Includes the following properties: Value, Value Time, Type, Read Time, Device, and Quality. | |
Subscribe QOS | Controls the Quality of Service to use when subscribing. This determines how many times each message will be sent in the event there is packet loss. In general, a higher value means communication will be more reliable but require more handshakes and bandwidth consumption. | |
Zero | The message will be sent at most once. | |
1 | The message will be sent at least once but may be sent multiple times. | |
2 | The message will be sent exactly once. | |
Subscribe Tag Identifier Type | Sets the subscriber tag identifier type. | |
Topic | Identifies which tags each message is for based on the message topic. The subscribe topic must match what is defined in the Device Tag tab. | |
Payload | Identifies tags using an identifier within the payload. | |
Subscribe Clamp Method | Sets the clamp method of provided values to the tag’s data type. | |
Reject | Values outside of the data type range will be rejected. | |
Clamp | Values outside of the data type range will be clamped to the data type range. | |
Overflow | Values outside of the data type range will overflow. | |
Subscribe Topic Prefix | Sets a prefix string to include in all subscribed topics. This does not add a “/” level separator to a full topic. | |
Subscribe Topic Suffix | Sets a suffix string to include in all subscribe topics. This does not add a “/” level separator to a full topic. | |
Enable Encryption | Controls whether or not encryption is used for the server. Authentication will be disabled unless this field is enabled. | |
Generate Certificate | Controls whether or not a key pair will be automatically generated on the device once a project is ran. When this field is disabled, a user-specified key pair will be used instead. | |
Trust All Certificates | Controls whether or not all incoming certificates will be trusted. When this field is disabled, only the certificates in the trust store will be trusted. | |
No Encryption | Controls whether messages can be sent with no encryption method. The option None allows for messages to be sent without an encryption method. The option disabled forces messages to be sent with an encryption method. | |
Basic 128 RSA-15 | Controls the use of the method of encryption. Sign allows the method to be used for signing messages, not encryption. Sign and Encrypt allows for the method to be used for signing and encrypting messages, but both must be used. Both allows for the method to be used for either signing or encryption. Encryption is allows but not required. | |
Basic 256 | Controls the use of the method of encryption. Sign allows for the method to be used for signing messages, but not for encryption. Sign and Encrypt allows for the method to be used for signing and encrypting messages, but both must be used. Both allows for the method to be used for either signing or encryption. Encryption is allows but not required. | |
Basic 256 SHA-256 | Controls the use of the method of encryption. Sign allows for the method to be used for signing messages, but not for encryption. Sign and Encrypt allows for the method to be used for signing and encrypting messages, but both must be used. Both allows for the method to be used for either signing or encryption. Encryption is allows but not required. | |
AES-128 SHA-256 RSA-OAEP | Controls the use of the method of encryption. Sign allows for the method to be used for signing messages, but not for encryption. Sign and Encrypt allows for the method to be used for signing and encrypting messages, but both must be used. Both allows for the method to be used for either signing or encryption. Encryption is allows but not required. | |
Allow Anonymous Authentication | Controls whether or not anonymous clients can connect to the server. | |
Allow Anonymous Browse | Controls whether or not anonymous clients can browse topics on the server. | |
Allow Anonymous Read | Controls whether or not anonymous clients can read tag values from the server. | |
Allow Anonymous Write | Controls whether or not anonymous clients can write tag values to the server. | |
Allow Username Authentication | Controls whether or not clients can be authenticated by providing a matching username and password. | |
Add New User | Creates a new user to allow for authentication. Users can be deleted by clicking the trash icon to the right of the user number. | |
Username | Assigns a username for the user. | |
Password | Assigns a password for the user. | |
Allow Browse | Controls whether or not the user can browse topics on the server. | |
Allow Read | Controls whether or not the user can read tag values from the server. | |
Allow Write | Controls whether or not the user can write tag values to the server. | |
Allow Certificate Authentication | Controls whether or not clients can use certificates for authentication. When the Trust All Certificates field is enabled, any certificate may be used for authentication. When it is disabled, only certificates found in the trust store may be used. | |
Allow Certificate Browse | Controls whether or not clients authenticated using a certificate can browse topics on the server. | |
Allow Certificate Read | Controls whether or not clients authenticated using a certificate can read tag values from the server. | |
Allow Certificate Write | Controls whether or not clients authenticated using a certificate can write tag values to the server. | |
Match Endpoint Security Policy | Controls whether or not authentication tokens will be encrypted using the same security policy as the endpoint they are attached to. | |
Allow Unencrypted Authentication | Controls whether or not clients are able to authenticate without encryption. This option is only available when enabled by the Match Endpoint Security Policy field. | |
Authentication Security Policy | Sets the security policy for authenticating users. The options are None, Basic128Rsa15, Basic256, Basic256Sha256, and Aes128_Sha256_RsaOaep. This option is only available when the Match Endpoint Security field is disabled. | |
Server Layout | Determines the prefix structure for OPC UA tag topics: | |
Basic | Tag topics will be direct children of the “Tags” topic. Ex: | |
Device | Tag topics will be children of topics which are named after their I/O devices. Ex: | |
Client devices should use an address containing the prefix Ex: | ||
Default Allow Read | Controls whether or not clients are able to read the current value of tags or not. Individual tags may overwrite this option by choosing True or False in their Allow Read field. | |
Default Allow Write | Controls whether or not clients are able to write a value to tags or not. Individual tags may overwrite this option by choosing True or False in their Allow Write field. |
Device Setting - Serial Device
Item | Description | |
Device Name | Assigns a name to the user’s Data Server serial device. | |
Device Protocol | Assigns a protocol to use to communicate with the serial device. The only option is Modbus RTU. | |
Serial Port | Assigns a COM port for the device to use for Modbus RTU. COM1 is for RS-422/485, COM2 is for RS-232-C, and COM3 is for RS-232-C for 10, 12, and 15 inch Xpanels only. | |
Comm Type | Assigns a communication type for the COM port to use. COM2 and COM3 are forced to be RS-232, but COM1 can be RS-422 or RS-485. | |
Baudrate | Controls the rate at which information is transferred between devices. The options are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, and 230400. | |
Parity | Assigns a parity bit to be used for error checking. The options are Even, Odd, and None. | |
Data Bits | Assigns the number of data bits there are in each packet between 7 and 8. If the data contains any Korean characters, select 8 bits to avoid errors. | |
Stop Bits | Assigns the number of stop bits there are between each frame between 1 and 2. | |
Flow Control | Limits the amount of data transferred. When enabled, the Modbus Master will wait for an ackowledgement signal from the target device before sending another command. The options are Off, On, and Control. | |
Unit ID | Assigns a value to be the slave/server ID for Modbus RTU communication. | |
String Encoding | Specifies the encoding method for reading and writing string values stored on the device. The available encoding methods are ASCII, ISO-8859-1, Latin1, Windows-1252, Windows-949, CP949, Shift_JIS, GBK, and UTF-8. | |
String Encoding Method | When an invalid character is encountered, the gateway will do one of the following: | |
Replace | Will replace any invalid characters within the string with “?”. | |
Skip | Will skip the invalid character and continue with the next one. | |
Stop | Will stop reading the string and truncate any remaining characters. |
Device Tag - Ethernet Device
Item | Description | |
New Tag | Adds a tag. | |
Edit Tag | Edits the selected tag. | |
Delete Tag | Deletes the selected tag. | |
Expand All | Shows all dropdown content within the Device Tag tab. | |
Collapse All | Hides all dropdown content within the Device Tag tab. | |
Tag | Displays all current tag names in order of addition. | |
Address | 0: Coil Tags | Organizes added tags into a folder that allows BOOL Read/Write access for Modbus TCP. |
1: Discrete Input Tags | Organizes added tags into a folder that allows BOOL Read Only access for Modbus TCP. | |
3: Input Tags | Organizes added tags into a folder that allows Analog Read Only access for Modbus TCP. | |
4: Holding Tags | Organizes added tags into a folder that allows Analog Read/Write access for Modbus TCP. | |
Access Type | Displays all access added tags possess between Publish/Subscribe and Publish Only. | |
Browse Name | Displays all assigned names to added tags for an OPC UA Server. |
Device Tag - Ethernet Device New Tag
Item | Description |
Tag Type | Assigns the folder that the tag will be added into. The options are 0: Coil, 1: Discrete Input, 3: Input, and 4: Holding. |
Tag | Allows the user to select an already created tag to be added. 0: Coil and 1: Discrete require a BOOL data type. 3: Input and 4: Holding require an Analog data type. |
Address | Assigns a number 1-65536 to be the Modbus TCP communication address. |
Preview | Displays the Modbus TCP address after being formatted to with the tag type number and filling zeros. |
Access Type | Assigns access to the tag between Publish/Subscribe and Publish Only. |
Publish ID | Assigns an identifier that is used when publishing tag data. This defaults to the assigned tag’s path. If the identifier is not included in the publish payload format, Publish ID will be ignored. |
Publish Topic | Assigns the MQTT topic to publish tag messages to. This defaults to the assigned tag’s path. |
Subscribe ID | Assigns an identifier that is used when subscribing to incoming messages. This defaults to the assigned tag’s path. If the identifier is not included in the subscriber payload format, Subscribe ID will be ignored. |
Subscribe Topic | Assigns the MQTT topic to listen to messages on. The topic can include the MQTT wildcard characters # (multi-level) and + (single level). This defaults to the assigned tag’s path. |
Browse Name | Assigns a name that will be used as part of the OPC topic used by client devices. This defaults to the assigned tag’s path. |
Allow Read | Controls whether or not clients are able to read the current value of the tag or not. The three options are Use Server Default, True, and False. |
Allow Write | Controls whether or not clients are able to write a value to the tag or not. The three options are Use Server Default, True, and False. |
OK | Closes the New Tag window and adds a tag with the entered information. |
Cancel | Closes the New Tag window and discards the entered information. |
Device Tag - Serial Device
Item | Description | |
New Tag | Adds a tag. | |
Edit Tag | Edits the selected tag. | |
Delete Tag | Deletes the selected tag. | |
Expand All | Shows all dropdown content within the Device Tag tab. | |
Collapse All | Hides all dropdown content within the Device Tag tab. | |
Address | 0: Coil Tags | Organizes added tags into a folder that allows BOOL Read/Write access for Modbus RTU. |
1: Discrete Input Tags | Organizes added tags into a folder that allows BOOL Read Only access for Modbus RTU. | |
3: Input Tags | Organizes added tags into a folder that allows Analog Read Only access for Modbus RTU. | |
4: Holding Tags | Organizes added tags into a folder that allows Analog Read/Write access for Modbus RTU. | |
Tag | Displays all current tag names in order of addition. |
Device Tag - Serial Device New Tag
Item | Description |
Tag Type | Assigns the folder that the tag will be added into. The options are 0: Coil, 1: Discrete Input, 3: Input, and 4: Holding. |
Tag | Allows the user to select an already created tag to be added. 0: Coil and 1: Discrete require a BOOL data type. 3: Input and 4: Holding require an Analog data type. |
Address | Assigns a number 1-65536 to be the Modbus TCP communication address. |
Preview | Displays the Modbus TCP address after being formatted to with the tag type number and filling zeros. |
OK | Closes the New Tag window and adds a tag with the entered information. |
Cancel | Closes the New Tag window and discards the entered information. |
Payload Editor
Item | Description |
New Payload Format | Adds a new payload format. |
Delete Payload Format | Deletes the selected payload format. |
Copy Payload Format | Saves the selected payload format’s content in the clipboard. |
Paste Payload Format | Pastes the device’s content in a Payload Editor window. This can be done through different projects. |
Payload Settings | Opens the Payload Settings tab when selecting a payload format. |
Properties | Opens the Properties tab when selecting a payload format. |
Payload Settings
Item | Description |
Expand All | Shows all dropdown content within the Payload Settings tab. |
Collapse All | Shows all dropdown content within the Payload Settings tab. |
Payload Format Name | Assigns a name to the user’s payload format. |
Tags per Payload | Assigns a number of tags in each payload between Multiple or Single. |
Wrap Method | Assigns a wrapping method between Identifier and Array |
Wrap Name | Assigns a name to the user’s wrap. |
Item | Description |
Add Property? | Drops down with a menu to add a new property or property group. |
Move Up? | Moves a property or property group up one position. |
Move Down? | Moves a property or property group down one position. |
Delete Property? | Deletes the selected property or property group. |
Expand All | Shows all dropdown content within the Properties tab. |
Collapse All | Hides all dropdown content within the Properties tab. |
Property Name | Assigns and displays a name for the property or property group. |
Value | Assigns and displays a value for properties. The options for value include Tag Identifier, Tag Device, Tag Quality, Tag Value, Tag Type, Tag Value Timestamp, Tag Read Timestamp, Tag Quality Timestamp, and Tag Payload Timestamp. |
Format | Assigns and displays a format for properties. |