16.3 Exercise

This section gives an illustrative example of the Recipe feature. Settings may differ depending on your project’s configuration.

In this example, we have already configured a PLC-S I/O device called “HYBRID.ST“

Exercise: Designing a Recipe Model

a) Go to the database editor to create tags for recipe operation. Make a group tag called ‘RECIPE'. Within it, add two group tags called ‘DATA’ and ‘HANDSHAKE'. Within ‘DATA’, create four analog tags (‘WATER’, ‘ESPRESSO’, ‘SYRUP’, and ‘MILK’) for storing recipe data on the PLC. Within ‘HANDSHAKE’, add two analog tags ('WORD' and ‘GR’) and one digital tag ('BIT') for performing the communication handshake. The tag tree should then appear as shown below.

b) Go to [Tools] – [Recipe] or press the  icon to open the recipe editor window. Add a model called ‘COFFEE’ as shown below.

  • Model Name: COFFEE

  • Recipe Area Start Position: RECIPE.DATA.WATER (D100)

  • Handshake (Word): RECIPE.HANDSHAKE.WORD (D200)

  • Handshake (Bit): RECIPE.HANDSHAKE.BIT (M100)

  • Handshake (Group Number): RECIPE.HANDSHAKE.GR (D250)

  • Number of Data: 4

  • Number of Groups: 3

c) After creating the model, specify names for each group (column) and data (row) as shown below.

d) Create a touch object to bring up the recipe dialog box.

e) Launch the project in Xpanel and press the button to open the [Recipe] editor window.

  • You can change the model and group number using the drop-down menus.

  • You can receive data values from the PLC by pressing the 'Upload' button.

  • You can download data values from the selected group to the PLC by pressing the 'Download' button.

  • You can modify individual recipe data values by selecting them, then entering a value using the keypad.

  • You can browse for and load a recipe CSV file from the Xpanel file directory by pressing the 'CSV Read' button.

  • You can save the current recipe settings to a CSV file on the Xpanel device by pressing the 'CSV Write' button.

f) Open the CICON application. Connect the PC to the PLC, then press [Online] – [Memory Monitor].

g) From the Xpanel recipe window, download different recipe groups to the PLC. In CICON, you can check the values stored on the PLC.