2.1.3 XpanelDesigner Project Execution

Opening a project in XpanelDesigner

a) Go to [File] – [Open Project] in XpanelDesigner and select a project to open. Only project files with the “.prj” or “.xprj” file formats can be opened.  The default path for project files is “C:\ATIVA_XPANEL”.


Please note that the default project file extension may differ based on the version of XpanelDesigner:

- For XpanelDesigner V2.34 and below, the default is “.prj”

- For XpanelDesigner V2.40 and above, the default is “.xprj”

In XpanelDesigner V2.40 and above, you can open both the “.prj” and “.xprj” file formats. In older versions, you can only open projects with the “.prj” file format.


b) Recently edited projects can be found on the XpanelDesigner startup page or in the [File] menu. The user can also open, browse, or create new projects from the startup page. The 4 most recently edited projects will be displayed.

c) The desired project will be opened in XpanelDesigner.