Type | Format | Description |
Subroutine | AddMessage(Message ID, Added Message) | Adds a new message to the scroll message window. |
Subroutine | AddMessageEx(Message ID, Added Message, Level) | Adds a new message to the scroll message window with a level. |
Subroutine | AlarmCSVWr(AlarmGroup, “CSVFileName”, TimeDisplay, PrintOption, Location) | Saves the alarm messages as a CSV file. |
Subroutine | AlarmPrint(AlarmGroup, Messages, TimeDisplay, FontSize, PrintOption) | Prints the alarm messages with printer. |
Subroutine | ClearAlarmLog(AlarmGroup) | Deletes the entire alarm log of the assigned alarm group. |
Subroutine | RemoveLastAlarms() | Remove contents except current alarms from the alarm summary. |
Subroutine | RemoveMessage(MessageID) | Removes the scroll message which is added by AddMessage() function. |
AddMessage | Adds a new message to the scroll message window. |
Subroutine | AddMessage(Message ID, Added Message) |
Description | Adds a new message to the scroll message window. At MessageID, you can enter the value from 0 to 9999. If you assigned a duplicate message ID, the most recent message will be ignored. Added Message can be written in strings with double quotation mark (“ ”) or assigned with string tag. |
Example | Displays “This message will be displayed at the bottom of the window” as the scroll message. AddMessage(1, “This message will be displayed at the bottom of the window”); |
AddMessageEx | Adds a new message to the scroll message window with a level. |
Subroutine | AddMessageEx(Message ID, Added Message, Level) |
Description | Adds a new message to the scroll message window. At MessageID, you can enter the value from 0 to 9999. If you assign the duplicated message ID, the recent message will be ignored. Added Message can be written in strings with double quotation mark (“ ”) or assigned with string tag. At Level, you can assign the value from 0 to 7. The message will be displayed with the corresponding level’s color. |
Example | Displays “This message will be displayed at the bottom of the window” as the scroll message with the color of level 3. The color of the level is assigned in the [Xpanel Config.] – [Scroll Message]. AddMessageEx(1, “This message will be displayed at the bottom of the window”,3); |
AlarmCsvWr | Saves the alarm messages as CSV file. |
Subroutine | AlarmCsvWr(AlarmGroup, “CSVFileName”, TimeDisplay, PrintOption, Location) |
Description | Saves the messages of AlarmGroup at the assigned Location as CSVFileName. Enter 0 at Location to indicate the local. Assign 1 for SD/MMC and 2 for USB. You can also use strings for the Location. 0: _LOCAL_ 1: _SDMEM_ 2: _USBMEM_ The contents in the CSV file will be displayed with time data according to the value you assign to the TimeDisplay. 0: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS 1: DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS 2: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS 3: MM/DD HH:MM:SS 4: DD/MM HH:MM:SS 5: HH:MM:SS According to the value assigned to the PrintOption, different contents will be saved. If you wish to select multiple items, distinguish them with a vertical bar ( | ). All Items: _ALMPRT_ALL_ or 511 Time and date: _ALMPRT_TIME_ or 1 Memory Address: _ALMPRT_ADDR_ or 2 Value: _ALMPRT_VALUE_ or 4 Alarm Type: _ALMPRT_TYPE_ or 8 Alarm Description: _ALMPRT_DESC_ or 16 |
Example | Saves all contents of alarm group 1 as "AlmGrp1.CSV" in SD/MMC. The contents will be displayed with time value in "YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS" format. AlarmCsvWr(1, "AlmGrp1", 0, _ALMPRT_ALL_, _SDMEM_); |
AlarmPrint | Prints the alarm messages with printer. |
Subroutine | AlarmPrint(AlarmGroup, Messages, TimeDisplay, FontSize, PrintOption) |
Description | Prints the content of AlarmGroup as much as the value assigned to Messages (0~200 messages) with the assigned FontSize (10 or bigger). The time will be displayed according to the value assigned toTimeDisplay. 0: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS 1: DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS 2: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS 3: MM/DD HH:MM:SS 4: DD/MM HH:MM:SS 5: HH:MM:SS According to the value assigned to the PrintOption, different contents will be saved. If you wish to select multiple items, distinguish them with a vertical bar ( | ). All Items: _ALMPRT_ALL_ or 511 Time and date: _ALMPRT_TIME_ or 1 Memory Address: _ALMPRT_ADDR_ or 2 Value: _ALMPRT_VALUE_ or 4 Alarm Type: _ALMPRT_TYPE_ or 8 Alarm Description: _ALMPRT_DESC_ or 16 |
Example | Prints out the 10 most recent messages of alarm group 1. The contents will be displayed in font size 12, with time value in "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS" format. AlarmPrint(1, 10, 2, 12, _ALMPRT_ALL_); |
ClearAlarmLog | Clears all messages listed in the designated alarm group. |
Subroutine | ClearAlarmLog(AlarmGroup) |
Description | Deletes the entire alarm log of the assigned AlarmGroup (1~10). |
Example | Clears all alarm messages in the alarm group #3. ClearAlarmLog(3); |
RemoveLastAlarms | Removes contents except current alarms from the alarm summary. |
Subroutine | RemoveLastAlarms() |
Description | Removes contents except current alarms from the alarm summary. |
Example | Removes contents except current alarms from the alarm summary. RemoveLastAlarms(); |
RemoveMessage | Removes a string which was already registered to the scroll message window by the AddMessage() function. |
Subroutine | RemoveMessage(MessageID) |
Description | Removes the scroll message that was added by the AddMessage() function. Assign the message ID (0~9999) to the MessageID. When you assign -1, all messages in the scroll message window will be deleted. |
Example | Deletes all messages in the scroll message window. RemoveMessage(-1); |