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This document describes the Samsung BRAIN SPC Series communication driver for Xpanel.




Communication Setup: Xpanel


Create a new device

For creating a new device activate the menu [Tools -> ] → [I/O Devices] or the (blue star) icon in the toolbar. The following picture shows the first step of in creating a new device.

I/O Device Name: Give the device a name. This name will be used in the TAG tag configuration window of the database accompanied by the Station Name‘Station Name’.

Select a network type


I/O Device Name: SAMSUNG BRAIN Series

After selecting the OK [Ok] button of the previous step, the [Serial ‘Serial Communication Configuration] Configuration’ dialog box will be popup as shown in the following picture.:

In this window, select the Device Type SAMSUNG ‘SAMSUNG BRAIN SeriesSeries’ and configure the proper serial communication parameters. Ensure that those parameters are matched with the device's configuration. See the Communication Configuration section for more information.

Create a station

Move to the [Station] tab of [Serial Communication Configuration] the ‘Serial Communication Configuration’ dialog box. In this dialog box, all the connected PLC stations can be configured and registered to the Xpanel.

Image Added

Each field can be configured with the following rules.:

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Station Name

Give a name to the PLC.

This name will be used in the database window accompanied by the Device Name‘Device Name’.

Station Type

Choose the type of connected PLC among the SPC Series‘SPC Series’.

Network ID


Station No.

Specify a decimal number between 1 and 190. The PLC station number must match this number.

16Bit Data Swap

This option swaps bytes for all word- or double-word-sized data. The following diagram shows an example of byte-swapping:

Almost all data types will be influenced by this option except INT8 / UINT8 / BCD8 / UBCD8.

32Bit Data Swap

This option swaps words of all double-word-sized data. The following diagram shows an example of word swapping:

Tag values with data types INT32 / UINT32 / BCD32 / UBDC32 / FLOAT will be influenced by this option.

String Data Swap

Swaps the upper and lower bytes of string word data.

Using Checksum

This field has no effect. This driver always uses a BCC checksum.

Comm. Error Message Popup

Use a pop-up message when a communication error occurs.


See the Communication Configuration section for more information about the remaining parameters.

Address & Function Codes

The following table shows the list of valid address range used with the FARA PLC. The character symbol has to be placed in the first position of the address string. The address number follows the character symbol.

TAG TAG Communication








Ext. Input / Output


R000 - R127

R000.0 - R127.15



L000 - L063

L000.0 - L063.15

Internal Relay


M000 - M127

M000.0 - M127.15

KEEP Relay


K000 - K127

K000.0 - K127.15

Special internal Output


F000 - F015

F000.0 - F015.15

Word Register

Timer / Counter


W000 - W3071



Communication Cable Wiring
