Versions Compared


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Canvas uses JavaScript ES5 for scripting. Nearly all objects and functions that are supported in ES5 are available. For a complete list of supported features, see the ES5 specification:


Below is a list of the built-in functions provided by Canvas.


Provides a way to interact with Gateway alarms.


Code Block
// Write a CSV to a USB drive. Only contains alarms with the label "myLabel"
alarm.createCsv("myLabel", Storage.Usb);


Provides a way to interact with Gateway data log models.


Code Block
// Store a CSV with the past hour of data to an SD card
var current = new Date(;
var past = new Date(current);
past.setHours(past.getHours() - 1);
datalog.createCsvForRange("myModel", past, current, Storage.Sd);


Allows for sending keyboard events and bringing up keyboard popups for inputting values.


Code Block
// Edit a string tag with custom display options
keyboard.launchKeyboard("stringTag", {"header": "Setting OtherTag", "x": 100, "y": 200});


Provides a way to interact with the notifications system.


Code Block
// Send a notification that automatically dismisses itself after 3 seconds
notification.send("Hello for a moment.", 3000);


Allows for manipulation of project pages and the current page.


Code Block
// If the page "WarningPage" is currently open, open the page "WarningPopupPage"
// Otherwise, open the page with index 1
if (page.currentName() == "WarningPage") {"WarningPopupPage");
} else {


Provides a way to enable and disable schedules.


Code Block
// Toggle whether the schedule "mySchedule" is enabled
schedule.setEnable("mySchedule", !schedule.isEnabled("mySchedule"));


The Storage object allows you to specify a location for saving various data within scripts. Either the numerical value (0, 1, 2, 3) or the enum value (Storage.Invalid, Storage.Local, Storage.Usb, Storage.SdCard) may be used whenever a storageType argument is required.


Code Block
// Store a data log CSV to the HMI
datalog.createCsv("model", Storage.Local);


Provides a way to interact with the runtime application.


Code Block
// Exit the runtime and stop the project


Allows for the manipulation of tags.


Note: See the Reading and Writing Tag Values section for more information.


Pauses the script for a specified amount of time. Only affects the calling script’s thread.


Rapidly writing tag values may cause reduce the performance issues, especially when using tags that are not local to the runtime.
