Type | Format | Description |
Subroutine | ExitXpanel() | Terminates Xpanel runtime. |
Function | GetTime(Value Type) | Returns the current time value. |
Subroutine | LcdBacklight(ON/OFF) | Turns the LCD Backlight on or off. |
Subroutine | LcdBrightDown() | Dims the LCD light. |
Subroutine | LcdBrightUp() | Brightens the LCD light. |
Subroutine | OpenConfigSub(Function) | Brings up the Xpanel Config. window or its subfeatures. |
Subroutine | OpenConfigWin() | Brings up the Xpanel Config. window. |
Subroutine | PlayWave(WavFileLocation, Path, Sync/Async) | Executes the wav file in the assigned path. |
Subroutine | SetDate(Year,Month,Date) | Changes the date on Xpanel. |
Subroutine | SetTime(Hour,Minute,Second) | Changes the time on Xpanel. |
Subroutine | StaticBeepCtrl(ON/OFF) | Controls the Beep output (On/Off) on Xpanel. |
Subroutine | TouchCalib() | Brings up the touch calibration screen. |
Subroutine | WindowsExplorer(“Path”, “Extension”, X Coordinate, Y Coordinate) | Brings up the Windows Explorer at the assigned position. |
Subroutine | XpanelReset() | Restarts the Xpanel Runtime. |
ExitXpanel | Terminates Xpanel runtime. |
Subroutine | ExitXpanel(); |
Description | Terminates Xpanel runtime. |
Example | Xpanel runtime is terminated. ExitXpanel(); |
GetTime | Returns the current time value. |
Function | n=GetTime(Value Type) |
Description | Assign the type of the data to acquire to Value Type. 0: The number of seconds after 1st Jan 1970 UTC 1: 4-digit Year (e.g. 1970, 1932) 2: Month (1~12) 3: Date (1~31) 4: Hour (0~23) 5: Minute (0~59) 6: Second (0~59) 7: Day of the week (1~7, 1=SUN, 2=MON, … 7=SAT) 8: Today’s minute counter (Minutes passed since midnight.) 9: Today’s seconds counter (Seconds passed since midnight.) |
Example | Stores the current year to the variable GetYear. VAR GetYear; GetYear = GetTime(1); |