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Users can upload their own images and animations into Canvas using the Custom Libraries function in the Graphic Library window. Users can start

To create a new custom library by clicking the , under the Custom Libraries section, click Create New Custom Library button. Once users clicks the button, they can > assign a name for to the new custom library.


Once created successfully, open the created custom library has been created, users can open this library. The library will have one un-named folder by default, which the user can rename , and a sub-folder will appear by default. Sub-folder can be renamed by right-clicking the folder and selecting the Rename option. sub-folder > click Rename.


Users can also add additional folders by right-clicking in the Graphic Library window and selecting > click New Folder.


Users can upload images into a target folder by clicking on the Add + icon. Custom libraries accept the following file types: .png; .jpg; .jpeg; .bmp; .svg; .gif.


Note that imported


Imported files will assume the name of the file used. Users can

To change the name of an object by , right-clicking click on the object and selecting Rename. Once an object has been added to the custom library, users can drag and drop the object onto a page at will. > click Rename.


Users can also make use of the Property Editor on a target object , similar to those in the Basic Library. Users can find for more information on the Property Editor and its functions here.its functionalities as well.
