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To bring up the ‘Xpanel Configuration’ dialog box, press [Tools] – [Xpanel Configuration] or the ‘ATVXEL Setup’ (blue star) icon.

(1)    Window



Starting Page

Select a main screen for the Xpanel project runtime. You can select the normal page or frame file in the project directory.

Beep Only on Touch Zone

When this option is selected, only the touch zones in the project will have a beep sound. This option disappears when ‘Beep Off’ is selected.  

Disable Online Configuration

Disables opening the configuration dialog box during Xpanel runtime.

Using Scroll Messages

Shows alarm descriptions at the bottom of the screen. The [Scroll message] tab will be added to the configuration window.

Beep Off

When this option is selected, there are no beep sounds on the entire screen area.

Disable Popup Message

Disables the popup message from the project.


If there is no touch operation within the period of specified time, the screen darkens automatically. You can set from 10 to 3600 seconds for dimming time. This option is applied after restarting the Xpanel system. You can configure dimming feature in the [Misc. Config] – [LCD Brightness] as well.

Key Input Fix Focus

Always keeps focus on key input field, even when other areas in the screen are touched.  

Invert Color When Key Input Selected

When the key input object receives focus, the background color of the object is reversed.

※ This option is supported on versions XpanelDesigner 2.53 and above.

Display of input range warning when writing tag value

When ‘Write tag value’ function is used in the project, a warning message will appear if the input value exceeded the range. The input value is ignored.

※ This option is supported on versions XpanelDesigner 2.53 and above.

Conversion File Compression Save

Page files (XPG) are compressed when the project for editing is converted into a runtime project. When this option is enabled, it may take more time (0.1~0.2sec) than if the option is disabled.

※ This option is supported on versions XpanelDesigner 2.53 and above.

(2)    Preloading page

When the page is added in the ‘Preloading page’ list, Xpanel preloads the page before project execution. This reduces speed for opening the pages with large sizes.  

Up to 8 base pages can be added in the preloading page. Popup pages can be added up to 4 pages in the preloading page list.

(3)    Scroll Message

The [Scroll Message] tab will be added when you select the ‘Using Scroll Messages’ box on the [Window] tab. Under the [Scroll Message] tab, you may configure the appearance of a scroll message. The message starts if an alarm turns on. If multiple alarms turn on, their descriptions are displayed in rotation. Messages end once the alarm is cleared.



Set Position

Sets the position where the scroll message is displayed. You can adjust the size and position of the scroll message by resizing the red rectangle, or by adjusting the pixel height, width, horizontal and vertical number. Values cannot exceed the page size.

※ This option is supported on versions XpanelDesigner 2.53 and above.

Text Size

Assigns the text size of the scroll message. Text size must be less than the height of the scroll message. You can assign values from 5 to 100 for text size. The value specified by default is 10.

Scroll Message Gap

Assigns the distance between messages. You can assign from 1 to 1280 for distance. The value specified by default is 10.

Scroll Message Speed

Adjusts the speed of the scroll message. When the value of the speed is smaller, the scroll message moves slower. You can assign values from 1 to 20. The value specified by default is 10.

Batch Edit Color of Scroll Message

You may edit the color of the scroll message for the assigned alarm level. When you press the [Batch Edit] button, you can configure colors for each alarm level.

Scroll Direction

Decides the scrolling direction of the message.

Right → Left

The message appears from right to left on the screen.

Left → Right

The message appears from left to right on the screen.

Top → Bottom

The message appears from top to bottom on the screen.

Bottom → Top

The message appears from bottom to top on the screen.

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