In the simulator runtime, the main screen and remote control [Tag List] function are displayed side-by-side in the window. Users can use the mouse to interact with the page screen. The [Tag List] shows tag names and page names which are currently used.
(1) Updating Virtual Tag Values using the Tag List
Users can change the value of virtual tags using the remote control feature. The tag name and its current value are shown in the [Tag List] window.
a) Changing Analog Values
To change the value of an analog tag, double-click the input field next to the tag name and enter the desired value.
b) Changing Boolean Values
To change the value of a boolean tag, double-click the input field next to the tag name and enter the desired value. Note that any entry outside of a ‘0' or a ‘1’ will be written as a '1’.
c) Changing String Values
To change the value of a string tag, double-click the input field next to the tag name and enter the desired value.