Double-click [Data Logging] on the Project Workspace or select [Tools] – [Data Logging] to bring up the configuration window shown below. You can add or edit the model after the configuration by pressing the [Add] button or the [Apply] button once the model is edited. You can delete the selected model by pressing [Delete].
(1) Start Option
Item | Description | |
Logging Model Name | Enter the name of the Data Logging model. You may use alphanumeric characters, Korean alphabets, and special characters as the model name. You cannot use a duplicated model name. | |
Type | Periodic | Assign an interval for creating a new data block. The block will be created according to the assigned period, starting from 00:00 daily. The actual data will be logged to the block after the delay time. E.g.) When the start time is set to 4 minutes and the delay is 2 minutes, the block will be created every 4 minutes and the data will be stored 2 minutes after the new block is created. |
Called | Select this option to create a new block by using the command expression “DataLog()”. | |
Trigger ON | Creates a new block when the assigned tag or address value turns ON. The data will be logged even if the status becomes OFF. | |
Trigger OFF | Creates a new block when the assigned tag or address value turns OFF. The data will be logged even if the status becomes ON. | |
Trigger Change | Creates a new block when the assigned tag or address value becomes OFF to ON or ON to OFF. | |
Enable Tag | Controls the block creation according to the assigned tag’s ON/OFF state. The block will be created when the tag is ON. The block will not be created when the tag is OFF. | |
On Time | Creates a block once a day at the assigned time. If the block is full, the data will no longer be logged to the block. When you select this option, any other method to create a block (such as Xpanel Reset) will not operate. | |
Start Time | Periodic On Time | Creates a block according to the time. Periodic: Assign the creation interval and the delay. On Time: Assign the time of the day to create the block. You can assign the time from 00:00 to 23:59. In case of a delay, you can assign a value up to 1439. |
Trigger Tag On/Off/Change Enable Tag | Creates the block when the assigned address or tag’s value changes from 0 to another value. You can assign the device address or tag by pressing the |
(2) Logging Option
Item | Description | |
Type | Periodic | The data is logged according to the assigned interval. You can assign the interval from 1 to 30,000 seconds. (500min). This option operates when the block is created. |
Tag Value | Logs the data when the assigned address or tag value changes from 0 to another value. You can assign the device address or tag by pressing the | |
Log to CSV (Periodic/Tag Value, Daily) | Logs data according to the interval or the tag value. When you select this option, a CSV file will be created once a day, with the file name ‘YearMonthDay.csv'. The log data of a single data logging model will be saved in the same CSV file. | |
Log to CSV (Periodic/Tag Value, Monthly) | Logs data according to the interval or the tag value. When you select this option, a CSV file will be created once a month, with the file name ‘YearMonth.csv'. The log data of a single data logging model will be saved in the same CSV file. | |
Log to CSV (Periodic/Tag Value, New CSV on Startup) | When the starting condition is satisfied, the data logging model is activated and creates a new CSV file. If using the main memory, the file will be stored in the ‘\Xpanel\CSV\Datalogging model name\YYYYMMDD_hhmmss.CSV’ path. After the model starts data logging, a new CSV file is created. You may store up to 3 files in the main memory. The older files will be removed automatically. If using USB/SD memory, there is no absolute limit on the number of CSV files that can be stored. When there is not enough storage space, logged data cannot be updated as a CSV file. ※ This option is supported in XpanelDesigner 2.53 and above versions. | |
Standard | Period | Stores the data to the block according to the assigned interval. You can assign from 1 to 30000 seconds. |
Addr/Tag | Logs the data when the assigned address or tag value changes from 0 to another value. You can assign the device address or tag by pressing the | |
CSV save path | You can select the save path for the CSV file. If you wish to select USB or SD memory, the corresponding storage media must be connected to Xpanel. Logged data is not updated to the CSV file when there is not enough disk space. ※ This option is supported in XpanelDesigner 2.53 and above versions. | |
Main memory | Xpanel: ATVXEL\CSV\Datalogging model name\ PC Runtime: Xpanel path\PCRun\CSV\Datalogging model name\ | |
USB | USB memory\CSV\Datalogging model name\ | |
SD | SD memory\CSV\Datalogging model name\ |
(3) Block Option
Item | Description |
Maximum Log No. Per Block | Assign the maximum number of data to be stored in each block. You can assign the number of data from 1 to 2048. It means that the individual tag can log as much as the assigned value. E.g.) If there are four registered tags and the maximum log no. per block is set as 20, Each tag can log 20 data. |
Maximum Block No. | Assign the maximum number of blocks. You can assign a value from 1 to 32. |
Add Tag | Adds a tag or an address to log data. You can assign the device address or tag by pressing the You can also configure the tag display setting. You can enter a value from 0 to 4 in the ‘Point Number Setting’ field. To display the value in hexadecimal, check the ‘Hexadecimal Display’ box. |
Edit Tag | Edits the selected tag. |
Delete Tag | Deletes the selected tag. |
▲/▼/△/▽ | Moves the selected tag’s location upward or downward. The white arrow button moves the tag to the topmost or bottommost location. The black arrow moves the tag 1 step upward or downward. |
- Since the data is logged in the block unit, the block must be created in advance. - If a block is full, you must create a new block to continue the data logging. - If the number of blocks reaches the maximum, the next block will be created after the deletion of the oldest block. - Before saving the CSV file, check the volume of the storage. It is recommended to save the files in USB or SD memory. - If the configuration of the data logging model has changed and the project is written to the Xpanel, the former project’s entire blocks will be deleted. (CSV files are not deleted.) Thus, back-up is needed when updating. - The data log file is stored in the Xpanel in the following location: \Xpanel\Log\“LogModelName” |