Feature Description
Designer Functionalities
Basic Properties
Pens control how the object being tracked will look on the Trend Object. The user can change the color, description, width, and pen type within this tab. A user can add a new pen by clicking on Add Pen. To bind a Tag to a Pen, there are currently two ways to do so, one would be via Smart Binding, the other would be manual. A tag can be bound to the pen by double-clicking the Tag field or left-clicking the chain-link icon next to the field.
For smart binding, simply click and hold the Tag that needs to be bound to the Trend, and drag it over the Trend object. This will create a new Pen with the Tag as the target.
Runtime Functionalities
History Management
Viewing Management
CSV Generation
The user can export past Trend data to a CSV for record keeping. The user can transfer data to a USB, SD card, or local memory on Windows Xpanel*.
A CSV file can be created by clicking the save button within the controls of the Trend Object. Saving can only be done on a physical HMI.
An example of what the CSV file would look like after generation is shown on the far right:
*Disclaimer: CIMON recommends exclusively using a USB or SD card for storage types. Saved CSV files to local memory are only accessible through an SSH connection.
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