3.7.1 Frame Editor Settings

Select [File] – [Frame Editor] or press hotkey [Ctrl + W] to bring up the [Frame Editor] as shown below.



Frame File

Displays the list of frame files created in the current project. When you select an item, the corresponding configuration will be displayed on the Frame Editor.

File Name

Enter the name of the frame file, which will be saved in *.FRX format. The file name cannot contain special characters such as “\”. “/”, “: “, “*”, “?”, “<”, “>”, “ | “.


Displays the resolution of the current project’s Xpanel model. The width and height of the frame file cannot exceed the resolution.



Border Type

Decides whether to add a border to the selected frame. You can select ‘No Border’ or ‘Windows Default’. ‘Windows Default’ border type is a single black line, which is shown below (XpanelDesigner Simulator).


You can select the layout type of the frame. There are 12 layouts in total. You can assign a layout type from 1 to 4 pages.

Page 1~4

According to the selected layout type, the number of activated fields is different. The number of activated fields follows the number written on the selected layout type.


You can manually enter the name of the page file or press the button to browse the page file. Only one page can be assigned to each field.


Assign the width and height of the corresponding page. The total width and height cannot exceed the resolution. You can manually enter the width and height or click the [▲/▼] button to increase or decrease the value. The size of certain pages cannot be manipulated since they depend on the other page’s size.  


Creates a frame file with the current configuration.


Edits the selected frame file with the current configuration.


Deletes the selected frame file.


Closes the [Frame Editor] without saving the current configuration.