Digital Value by Channels (Address "1 - 8")
Digital Value by Channels (Address "1 - 8")
Buffer Memory Address "1 ~ 8"
These are the devices where signed 16-bit binary values are written to D/A-convert.
In case that the values within and except the range of setup are written, the values that a D/A module gets are as follows
Range of Output | Range of Setup | In case that the value except setup range, the value that a D/A module gets |
-10V ~ 10V 0 ~ 10V 4mA ~ 20mA | -192 ~ 16191 (Actual: 0 ~ 16000) -8192 ~ 8191 (Actual:-8000~8000) | 16191(8192) or more: 16191(8191) -192(-8193) or less: -192(-8192) |
When digital values are inputted, it is not necessary to set/reset requesting to set up operation condition (Y0A).