Scope Trend displays the data stored in the device or by the data logging feature. The Scope Trend draws a graph with the existing data at once as shown below.

(1) Object Style

Configures the background color of the Trend object. The background includes the object area except for the grid, X-Axis, Y-Axis, and Pens.




Selects the object’s background color. You may select one from the 98 available colors.

(2) Line Color



Line Color

Changes the line color of the object. You may select one of the 98 available colors.

(3) Pen

In this tab, you may assign the tags to monitor in the Trend object. In the case of Scope Trend, you may configure up to 16 pens. Each pen may display up to 2048 data points.



Using Data Logging

Draws the Scope Trend based on the Xpanel’s Data Logging model. You may only display 16 pens regardless of the actual number of tags or addresses registered in the Data Logging model.

Tag Name

Assign a tag name to monitor. You may manually enter the tag name in the field or select the number button on the left to bring up the [Pen] window.


Assign the device address to be monitored. Select the data type and I/O device then press the (blue star) button to configure the detailed address.


Assign the tag to be monitored. You may manually enter the tag name or press the (blue star) button to select the tag.


Enter a descriptive title for the pen. This field must be filled in. The comment will be used instead of the tag name on the graph.

Min Value

Enter the minimum value which will be displayed on the graph. If you do not enter a value, this field will be set to the minimum value of the tag.

Max Value

Enter the maximum value which will be displayed on the graph. If you do not enter a value, this field will be set to the maximum value of the tag.

Pen Color

You may set a pen color. You may choose one from the 98 available colors.


You may set a pen color. You may choose one from the 98 available colors.

(4) Grid



Display Grid

Shows or hides the grid.

X-Axis Grid No.

Assign the number of grid lines on the X-axis. You may assign from 1 to 99 grids.

Y-Axis Grid No.

Assign the number of grid lines on the Y-axis. You may assign from 1 to 99 grids.


You may set a grid color. You may choose one from the 98 available colors.

(5) Y-Axis Legend



Display Min/Max Value

Shows or hides the min/max value of the pen on the Y-Axis.

Size (Pixels)

Configures the size of the text displayed on the Y-Axis. You may assign an integer value from 0 to 1024.

(6) X-Axis Legend



Display the number of Data

Shows or hides the number of data points on the X-Axis.

(7) Scope Options



Data Point Size (Pixels)

Configures the size of the data point. You may assign a value from 0 to 1024.

Draw Border

Shows or hides the border of the Trend object.

(8) Scope Tags



Control Bit Tag

The assigned digital tag will display the state of data reception when the graph is updated. In the case of the ongoing data reception, the assigned tag will be set (1). When the process is completed, the tag will be reset (0).

Screen Control Tag

Assign a tag to control the graph update of the Scope Trend. The object will be updated according to the value assigned to the ‘Screen Control Tag’.

2: Clears the current graph.

3: Clears and redraws the current graph.

Data Count Tag

Declares the number of data points to be drawn on the graph. The maximum value of the assigned tag is 2048. If you are using the Data Logging option, this option is ignored.

Min Val

Assign a tag or an address to define the minimum value of the Y-Axis. If the minimum value is greater than the maximum value, the graph will not be updated.

Max Val

Assign a tag or an address to define the maximum value of the Y-Axis. If the maximum value is smaller than the minimum value, the graph will not be updated.

Block Number

Assigns the block number to be read when you are using the Data Logging model. This option is ignored if you are reading the data from a PLC.