Creating a New Script will have two options. Create New Script: This will open a pop window allowing the configuration of the Script name, Running type, and Period. Create New Commands: this will open the Command Editor window and allow the user to create a script via commands.
New Folder
Adds a Script folder.
Deletes the selected Folder or Script.
Undo the most recent action.
Redo an action that was undone.
Copy the selected script or folder.
Paste the previously copied/cut script or folder.
Cuts the selected folder or script.
Insert Tag Path
Inserts the tag name in the script so that it can be called.
Validates the selected script. Any errors will appear at the bottom of the Script Editor window.
Opens the “Find/Replace” Window.
Import Script
Allows the user to import a previously saved script.
Export Script
Allows the user to export the script to a specified location.
Edit Script
Script Name
Allows the user to assign a name to the script.
Running Type
Configuration settings for how the script will be run.
Startup Script
Scripts with this configuration will run when the project loads.
Periodic Script
Scripts with this configuration will run at intervals defined by the Running Period.
Manual Script
Scripts with this configuration will run when called. Some examples of when the script could be executed are on a schedule, on a tag value change, on a button press, on a page open/close, and more.
Running Period
Defines the interval between script executions. This only applies to Periodic Scripts.
Find and Replace
The given text that will be searched in the current script.
Match Case
Filters occurences of the Find field to be case-sensitive.
Regular Expression
Filters occurences of the Find field using Regular Expression statements. This form uses a case-sensitive approach of a character followed by a number of “.” then another character. This will search for any string or portion of a string that starts with the first given character, followed by the number of “.” as placeholders, and ends in the second given character.
Whole Word
Filters occurences of the Find field to only show strings that are completed words. This entails having no extra or missing characters and beginning and ending with whitespace.
Replace With:
The given text that will replace all occurences of the Find field when clicking Replace or Replace All.