Subtract one variable from another to get the result.
Example: 7 - 3 The result will be 4.
Multiply one variable to another to get the result.
Example: 3 * 4 The result will be 12.
Divide one variable from another to get the result.
Example: 7/7 The result will be 1.
This will grab the remainder from the division of two variables.
Example: 4/3 The result will be 1.
Logical AND
If the two variables being compared are true, it will return true. If one or both are false, it will return false.
Example: If A = true, and B = false
A && B will result in false.
Logical OR
If one of the two variables being compared are true, it will return true. If both are false, it will return false.
Example: If A = true, and B = false
A || B will result in true.
Logical NOT
Returns the logical inverse of the variable.
Example: If A = true
!A will result in false.
Less Than
Will return true if the first variable is less than the second one, and will return false if not.
Example: A = 3, B = 4
A < B will result in true.
Greater Than
Will return true if the first variable is greater than the second one, and will return false if not.
Example: A = 3, B = 4
A > B will result in false.
Less than or Equal to
Will return true if the first variable is less than OR equal to the second one, and will return false if not.
Example: A = 4, B = 4
A <= B will result in true.
Greater than or Equal to
Will return true if the first variable is less than OR equal to the second one, and will return false if not.
Example: A = 5, B = 7
A >= B will result in false.
Equal to
Will return true if both variables are equal to each other, and will return false if not.
Example: A = 5, B = 5
A == B will result in true.
Instance of
Will return true if both variables are equal to each other and are the same type, and will return false if not.
Example: A = 1, B = '1'
A === B will result in false.
Not equal to
Will return true if both variables are not equal to each other, and will return false if not.
Example: A = 2, B = 3
A != B will result in true.
Will check if the specific property exists within an object.
Example: myObj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};
if ('a' in myObj) { notification.send('Property "a" exists in myObj.'); // This will be executed } else { notification.send('Property "a" does not exist in myObj.'); }
This will result in “Property “a” exists in myObj being executed.
Addition Assignment
Subtraction Assignment
Multiplication Assignment
Division Assignment
Increment Operator
Decrement Operator
Bitwise invert
Bitwise AND
Bitwise OR
Bitwise XOR
Bitwise Shift Left
Bitwise Shift Right (Signed)
Bitwise Shift Right (Zero Filling)
No labels
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