20.1 Print Setup

20.1 Print Setup

You can configure the layout of printouts such as the orientation, header, footer, etc. Select [File] - [Page Setup] to bring up the ‘Print Setup’ window as shown below.




Assign a header to the printout. Select the button to use the options.


Assign a footer to the printout. Select the button to use the options.

Fit In Paper

Select this option to print the graphic page according to the printing paper. When this option is deselected, the graphic page is printed according to the graphic page magnification.


Assign the number of pages to be printed.


Assign the orientation of the graphic page to be printed (Landscape or Portrait).


Select the color option of the printout.


Assign the margin of the printout.


Apply the settings to the print setup.


Cancels the print setup.


Resets all settings. Fit In Paper: Selected, Scale: X - 1, Y - 1, Orientation: Landscape, Option: Deselected, Margin: Left 25 mm, Right 25 mm, Top 20 mm, Bottom 20 mm

(1) Header and Footer

The options for the header and footer will appear when you press the button. You can arrange the following options in any desired order.



Page Number

Displays the page number. Entered as “%P”.


Displays the printed date. Entered as “%D”.


Displays the printed time. Entered as “%T”.


Centers the header/footer. Entered as “%C”.


Aligns the header/footer to the left. Entered as “%L”.


Aligns the header/footer to the right. Entered as “%R”.

File Name

Displays the printed page’s path and name. Entered as “%F”.

When you configure the header as “Project %P %D %T %F %C”, it will be printed as shown below.

Project 1 2018/01/01 12:00:00 C:\FilePath\PageName.PGX

(2) Scale

You can assign the value of X and Y to determine the number of printing papers used to express a single graphic page. For example, the default setting (X=1, Y=1) uses one sheet of paper to print the width and height of the graphic page.

When the scale is assigned as X = 2, Y = 1, two sheets of paper are used to print the width of the graphic page, and one sheet of paper is used to print the height of the graphic page.


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