This driver supports the ASI communication protocol of ASI Controls, and provides communication access to a network of ASI controllers from an Xpanel device.
Communication Setup: Xpanel
Create a new device | To create a new device, select ‘Tools’->’I/O Devices’ or click the The following picture shows the first step of creating a new device.
I/O Device Name: Assign a device name. This name will be used in the TAG configuration window of the database, accompanied by the ‘Station Name’. |
Select a device type | Select a device type: ASI Communication Protocol After selecting the ‘OK’ button in the previous step, the ‘Serial Communication Configuration’ dialog box will appear as shown in following picture. In this window, select ‘ASI Communication Protocol’ as the device type and configure the serial communication parameters. Ensure that these parameters match with the PLC configuration. Local ID: Designate the host address of the Xpanel in this window. It is a 16-bit value between 1 and 65535. There are reserved address ranges which cannot be used by the Xpanel or DDC. Please refer to the DDC manual from ASI Controls for more information about this address. |
Create a station | Move to the ‘Station’ tab of the ‘Serial Communication Configuration’ dialog box. In this dialog box, the connected PLC stations can be configured and registered to the Xpanel. Each field can be configured with the following rules. Station Name: Give a name to the PLC. This name will be used in the database window, accompanied by the ‘Device Name’. Station Type: Choose the type of connected PLC. Only “ASIC“ is available. Network ID: This field has no effect for this driver. Station No.: Specify a decimal number between 1 and 65535. This number must be matched with the node address of the DDC. 16Bit Data Swap: This option swaps bytes for all word or double word sized data. The following diagram shows an example of byte swapping. Almost all data types will be influenced by this option except INT8 / UINT8 / BCD8 / UBCD8. 32Bit Data Swap: This option swaps words of all double word sized data. The following diagram shows an example of word swapping. Tag values with data types INT32 / UINT32 / BCD32 / UBCD32 / FLOAT will be influenced by this option. Using CheckSum: This field has no effect; the ASI communication driver uses a check-sum. Comm. Error Message Pop Up: If this item is checked, Xpanel displays a communication error notification message for every Rx and Tx error. Otherwise (unchecked), Xpanel does not display the message for data receive errors. Only when there is a data transmit error (writing a TAG value to the station) will the notification message pop up. The message box will close automatically after 5 seconds. |
Data Address
Xpanel supports reading object and table data from DDC. Data can be referenced using the following tag address formats:
[Object]: O[ Obj No ].[ Size ].[ Index ].[ Attribute ](:Bit No)
[Table]: T[ Table No ].[ Offset ](:Bit No)
In both cases, brackets should be omitted, and the shown names should be replaced with values as described in the table below:
Obj No / Table No | Designate the object (table) number of data location. Please refer to the object definition of the connected DDC for more information. |
Size | Designate the data type. It can be 1 (BYTE) or 2 (WORD). |
Offset | Designate the byte offset within the table. |
Index | Designate the assigned index number within the given object. |
Attribute | Designate the attribute number of the data. |
:Bit No | Designate the bit number. This bit address notation is used for digital tags. Notice that the tag with this bit number only can be read. That is, digital tag writing is not supported with the ASIC protocol driver. The bit number has to be within the range of the data size. In the case of a table (T) or object (O) with size 1 (BYTE), the bit number can be between 0 and 7. For objects with size 2 (WORD), bit numbers can be between 0 and 15. |
Address Examples | Address | Description |
O33.2.0.0 | Object 33, WORD, Index 0, Attribute 0 | |
T10.0 | Table 10, Byte offset 0 | |
O32.1.0.8 | Object 32, BYTE, Index 0, Attribute 8 | |
O3.2.11.0:0 | Object 3, WORD, Index 11, Attribute 0, Bit 0 | |
TAG Data Type | ASIC DDC supports two types of data: BYTE and WORD. If the data type of the tag is larger than 16 bits, Xpanel will automatically read and write the appropriate bytes. For example, if a tag of type UINT32 starts at address T1.2, Xpanel will read T1.2, T1.3, T1.4 and T1.5 for assembling the UINT32 data. |
Wiring Diagrams