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Create a new device


To create a new device, go to [Tools] → [ I/O Devices] or click on the (blue star) icon in the main toolbar. The ‘I/O Device Configuration’ dialog box will pop up. Click the [New Device] button to open the ‘I/O Device Selection’ dialog box.

I/O Device Name: Give a device name. This name will be used in the tag configuration window of the database accompanied by the ‘Station Name’.

Select a device type

After clicking the [Ok] button on the previous step, the ‘Ethernet Communication Configuration’ dialog box will pop up.

Select ‘OMRON CS/CJ Series Enet' as the 'Device Type’ and click 'TCP'.

If UDP is setup at the PLC communication configuration, 'UDP' can be used.

  • Set "Network ID" and "Node ID". Xpanel "Unit ID" is fixed at '0'.

  • Set "Time Out" and "Retry No." according to the network condition.

See the Communication Configuration section for more information.

Create a station

Move to the [Station] tab of the 'Ethernet Communication Configuration' window. In this dialog box, all the connected PLC stations can be configured and registered to the Xpanel.

Station Name: ST1

Give a name to the PLC. This name will be used in the database window accompanied by the ‘Device Name’.

Station Type: HostLink (no other type can be selected).

Network ID: This field has no effect.

Node ID: Set "Node ID" of PLC. Some PLCs use the 4th digit number of the IP address as the "Node ID".

Unit ID: Set the "Unit ID" of the PLC. Generally, it is '0'.

IP Address: Write the IP address of the PLC.

Socket Port Number: The default is 9600. It must match with the PLC.

16Bit Data Swap: This field has no effect.

32Bit Data Swap: This field has no effect.

String Data Swap: Data is obtained by switching between high and low byte in string data.

Comm. Error Message Pop Up: When this item is checked, Xpanel displays a communication error message box for every Rx and Tx error. Otherwise (unchecked), Xpanel does not display a message for communication errors. This message box will close automatically after a few seconds.

Fixed POWEL XPANEL Socket Port: N/A

See the Communication Configuration section for more information about the remaining parameters.


  1. CS/CJ Series Communication Setting (Example CJ2M CPU35)

    1. External Rotary Switch Setting

      1. The node number shows hexadecimal on screen.

      2. Set the UNIT number.

      3. Set the NODE number.

    2. Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Setting

      1. Select [IO Table/Unit Setup] as shown below.

      2. Select [1500] CJEIP21 (Built-in EtherNet/IP Port for CJ2M)(Unit:0) at Inner Port/Inner Board. (Select “TCP/IP” and write the IP number of the PLC EtherNet/IP at “IP Address”.

      3. Select the [FINS/TCP] tab and choose the ‘Default’ option of the ‘FINS/TCP Port’.

      4. Click ‘Start with Settings Inherited' as shown below.

      5. Check the Net, Node, and Unit.

      6. Select [Start Routing table] as shown below.

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      7. Select “Unit 00 (Ethernet/IP)” and insert CPU SIOU as shown in the picture below.

  2. NJ5xx Series (Built-in EtherNet/IP Port)

    1. Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Setting

      1. Select [Controller Setup] → [Operation Settings].

      2. Refer to the picture below and add a setting to the “Local Network Table”.

      3. Select [Controller Setup] → [Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings]. Select “TCP/IP Settings” and set IP address of PLC EtherNet/IP port.

      4. Select [FINS Settings] and set the “Node address of built-in EtherNet/IP port” and the “FINS/UDP port number” as shown below.

    2. FINS Data Block Registration

      1. Select [Data] → [Global Variables].

      2. Right-click and select “Create New”.

      3. For each item, register a Name, Data Type, and an AT (see image below).

      4. After completing the settings, click [Controller] → [Synchronization] to download it to the PLC. Reset the PLC power just in case the download setting does not work properly.

      • Name: It is a variable name that is used in the PLC program.

      • Data Type: Register the data type of the variable. In order to easily configure the communication setting, choose “Array Type”.

      • AT: Register the device format through FINS communication. Refer to the table shown below.
