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Follow the steps below to uninstall XpanelDesigner.

a) Open the Windows Control Panel and go to ‘Uninstall or change a program’‘Add or Remove Programs’. Select CIMONATIVA-ATVXEL XPANEL from the list.


, then press “Uninstall“:


b) Double-click the item or right-click and press [Uninstall] > then click [Yes]  Press the second “Uninstall“ button to begin the uninstallation process.:


c)  Wait until the program is uninstalled. This process may take some time depending on the system environment.


d) When the InstallShield Wizard is finished, you may check for XpanelDesigner to see if it was successfully removed.

A prompt may appear asking “Do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device?”. Choose “Yes“:

d) Another prompt will appear asking if you want to completely remove the application. Choose “Yes“:


e) Once the InstallShield finishes uninstalling, you must restart your computer to save the changes. Choose “Yes“ to restart now, or “No“ to restart later, then press “Finish“:
