The alarm summary object allows the user to monitor the desired alarms in a single object. The object displays detailed information about the alarm and displays up to 500 alarm messages.
Click Insert > Alarm Summary or click the icon and click on the page to bring up the configuration window as shown below:
Active Alarms
Displays the currently triggered alarms.
Shelved Alarms
Displays the shelved alarms.
Historical Alarms
Documents every alarm status change.
Label Filter
Allows the user to decide which alarms they want to view based on labels.
Check All
Selects all alarm messages in a specific tab.
Checking and unchecking this box will display or hide, respectively, the active alarms.
Checking and unchecking this box will display or hide, respectively, the cleared alarms.
Active, Ack.
Checking and unchecking this box will display or hide, respectively, the acknowledged-active alarms.
Cleared, Ack.
Checking and unchecking this box will display or hide, respectively, the acknowledged-cleared alarms.
Sets an active or cleared alarm to “Active, Ack” or “Clear, Ack”.
Suppresses an alarm.
Removes the suppression of an alarm. This button is located in the Shelved Alarms tab.
Time Dropdown
Displays the alarm statuses for the amount of time chosen (i.e. 10 min would display the last 10 minutes of alarm statuses).
Removes an alarm status from the Alarm Summary.
Property Editor
Provides ways to customize the user’s Alarm Summary.
Expands each section within the Property Editor pane.
Collapses each section within the Property Editor pane.
Allows the user to decide which name they want for the Alarm Summary.
Controls whether the Alarm Summary is displayed or hidden. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Controls the transparency of the Alarm Summary. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Controls whether the Alarm Summary blinks. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Blink Interval(ms):
Controls how often the Alarm Summary blinks. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Background Color
Controls the color of the cells within the Alarm Summary. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Active Color
Controls the color in which active alarms are displayed. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Active Acknowledged Color
Controls the color in which active acknowledged alarms are displayed. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Cleared Color
Controls the color in which cleared alarms are displayed. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Cleared Acknowledged Color
Controls the color in which cleared acknowledged alarms are displayed. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Font Name
Controls the font style of the displayed alarm text.
Z index
Controls the layering of objects. Objects with a lower Z-index will lay on top of objects with a higher Z-index. The lowest Z-index is 0.
Controls the horizontal placement of an object. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Controls the vertical placement of an object. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Controls the horizontal distance of an object. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Controls the vertical distance of an object. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Controls the rotational orientation of an object. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Controls whether the object responds to touch or not. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
On Press - Delay (ms)
Assigns how long, in ms, after touching an object that action occurs.
On Press - Action
Assigns a specific function to occur when an object is touched.
On Release - Delay (ms)
Assigns how long, in ms, after releasing touch on an object that action occurs.
On Release - Action
Assigns a specific function to occur when an object is released from being touched.
On Double Click - Interval (ms)
Assigns how long, in ms, the interval between two clicks constitutes a double click.
On Double Click - Action
Assigns a specific function to occur when an object is double-clicked.
Assigns accessibility parameters for touching the object.
Display Configuration
Display Header
Controls whether the header of each column is shown or not. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Display Outlines
Controls whether the borders between cells are shown or not. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Display User Controls
Controls whether control buttons are shown or not. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Show Active Acknowledged
Feature TBD. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Show Active Unacknowledged
Feature TBD. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Show Cleared Acknowledged
Feature TBD. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Show Cleared Unacknowledged
Feature TBD. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Initial Tab
Controls the starting tab on the initialization of the project. Default is the “Active Alarms” tab.
Active Tab
Controls whether the “Active Alarms” tab is visible or not. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Controls which type of data is shown in the column.
Assigns a name to the header of the column.
Assigns the default horizontal distance for the column. This can be changed while in runtime.
Selects the string style of the data type.
Selects the number of decimal places to follow a value.
Add Column
Allows the user additional columns for their Alarm Summary.
Shelved Tab
Controls whether the Shelved Alarms tab is visible or not. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Controls which type of data is shown in the column.
Assigns a name to the header of the column.
Assigns the default horizontal distance for the column. This can be changed while in runtime.
Selects the string style of the data type.
Selects the number of decimal places to follow a value.
Add Column
Allows the user additional columns for their Alarm Summary.
Historical Tab
Controls whether the “Historical Alarms” tab is visible or not. A tag may be bound to this property to control the status in runtime.
Controls which type of data is shown in the column.
Assigns a name to the header of the column.
Assigns the default horizontal distance for the column. This can be changed while in runtime.
Selects the string style of the data type.
Selects the number of decimal places to follow a value.
Add Column
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Designer Functionalities
Basic Properties
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Runtime Functionalities
The user can shelve alarms to temporarily hide them from the Active Alarm tab. Shelve acts like a snooze button for a specified time interval that the user sets. After the interval, the alarm will unshelve and reappear in the Active Alarm tab. The user can bypass the set timer by clicking the Unshelve button in the Shelved Alarm tab.