Exercise: Connecting to CIMON-SCADA with Ethernet
(1) Data Server Configuration
a) Select Select [Tools ] – [Database] and create tags for communication with CIMON-SCADA. Create three virtual tags: one analog, one digital, and one string tag.
b) Select Select [Tools] – [Data Server] – [Xpanel Data Server] and add the analog and digital tags to the [Data(D) Memory] area. In Add the string tag to the [String(S) Memory] area, add the string tag.
c) To To check the tag values during runtime, add three dynamic tag values to the page.
(2) CimonD Configuration
a) Open Open CIMON-SCADA and add two COM blocks to the I/O device as shown below. See the I/O Device settings section for more information about adding and configuring I/O devices.
b) Select Select [Tools] – [Database] and register real tags with addresses D0, D1, and S0. Set D0 as a digital tag, D1 as an analog tag, and S0 as a string tag. For each tag, select the corresponding D or S address which you chose in XpanelDesigner.
(3) Checking the Operation
a) Download Download the XpanelDesigner project to Xpanel and execute it. Save Then save all changes to the SCADA project , then and run CimonX.
b) In CimonX, open the [Network Status] tool and to verify that the station is connected. Using the [Database] tool, you can manually change the value of each tag. Whenever you apply a change, the new value should be shown on the Xpanel screen.