Xpanel MODBUS Channel
When the MODBUS RTU feature is used in a project, you can check and set the related communication settings in the Xpanel device.
In the [Xpanel Config] window, select [Modbus] to bring up the [Modbus Channel Setting] window as shown below.
In the case of MODBUS TCP, the window will appear with all fields disabled. The , and the Xpanel device will communicate using the Ethernet IP address which is configured in the Ethernet Loader and Comm. Config. menus.
After configuring Xpanel as a Modbus Slave in XpanelDesigner, you can connect to a CIMONan ATIVA-PLC which acts as a Modbus Master. Configuration for the PLC is performed in the CICON software package. The following is an example of a PLC-S configuration for this type of communication.
CICON Configuration
a) Create In CICON, create a project that uses a PLC-S CPU. Press [File] – [New Program] and select MODBUS/TCP Master. If you are using serial communication, select MOBUS/RTU Master.
b) Press Press [New] to configure the target device (Slave/Xpanel). Input the settings for IP address, Port Number, Timeout, and Status Code Device. Press [OK] to finish the configuration.
c) Press Press [Add] to add a communication block as shown below.
d) After After adding a communication block, select [Tool] – [PLC Parameter], then go to the [Modbus] tab to set the Modbus device addresses for communication. Then go
e) Go to the [Ethernet] tab to enter the IP configuration for the PLC. If you are using a serial communication, go to the [Channel 1] or [Channel 2] tab instead.