Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

You can select and draw the basic graphic objects on the graphic page such as lines, rectangles, circles, arcs, etc.  Features are listed in the following table.



   (blue star) Select

Selector mode is used to select, move, and resize objects.
You can move around in the graphic page by:

  1. Right-clicking the blank space of graphic page.

  2. Dragging the mouse opposite to the location you want to move.

  (blue star) Line

Used to draw lines.

  (blue star) Rectangle

Used to draw rectangles or squares.

  (blue star) Ellipse

Used to draw circles or ellipses.

  (blue star) Arc

Used to draw arcs.

  (blue star) Sector

Used to draw circular sectors.

  (blue star) Chord

Used to draw chords.

  (blue star) Polyline

Used to draw polylines. Vertexes are added whenever you click a blank space on the graphic page. To exit drawing mode, double-click the blank space of the graphic page.

  (blue star) Polygon

Used to draw polygons. Vertexes are added whenever you click a blank space on the graphic page. To exit drawing mode, double-click the blank space of the graphic page. At this moment, the locations clicked at the beginning and at the end are connected.

  (blue star) Text

Used to enter text. Click the blank space of graphic page when you finish with editing text. You can add a new line by pressing the [Enter] key.

※    For more information about each basic object, please refer to the basic object Basic Object manual.