This Driver supports the communication between the Xpanel and RF Temperature Measurement Sensor.
Communication Setup: Xpaneltion Setup: XpanelCommunication Setup: Xpanel
Create a new device | Select Tool -> [Tools] → [I/O DeviceDevices] or click on the I/O Device NameTo designate an I/O Device Name: Designate a device name. This will be used in the Station Name and Tag Configuration of the Databasedatabase. | ||||
Select a network type
| Device Type: RF Temperature Measurement Sensor If I/O Device Name designation is completed, the [Serial ‘Serial Communication Configuration] Configuration’ window appears as shown below. Select RF ‘RF Temperature Measurement Sensor' as the 'Device TypeType’, and set up the Comm. parameters exactly as the PLC configuration. Comm. parameters must be set up as shown below. See the Communication Configuration section for more information about the remaining parameters. | ||||
Parameter | Configuration | ||||
Baud Rate | Set to 115,200 (can vary depending on device setting). | ||||
Parity | None | ||||
Data Bit | 8 Bits | ||||
Stop Bit | 1 Bit | ||||
Comm. Type | RS232 | ||||
Create a station | Go to the [Station] tab of the [Serial ‘Serial Communication Configuration] Configuration’ window. Station No. can be 1 to 15In this dialog box, each connected PLC can be configured and registered to the Xpanel. | ||||
Station Name | To designate a Station NameDesignate a station name. This will be used in the Tag Configuration of Database in Device Name fieldthe tag database, accompanied by the ‘Device Name’. | ||||
Station Type | Select Station ‘Station Type Temp RFRF’ (no other option is allowed). | ||||
Network ID | N/A | ||||
Station No. | Station The station No. must be the same as the PLC station number (1 - 15). | ||||
16Bit Data Swap | N/AThis option swaps bytes for all word- or double-word-sized data. The following diagram shows an example of byte-swapping: Almost all data types will be influenced by this option except INT8 / UINT8 / BCD8 / UBCD8. | ||||
32Bit Data Swap | N/A | Using Checksum | N/AThis option swaps words of all double-word-sized data. The following diagram shows an example of word swapping: Tag values with data types INT32 / UINT32 / BCD32 / UBDC32 / FLOAT will be influenced by this option. | ||
String Data Swap | Swaps the upper and lower bytes of string word data. | ||||
Using Checksum | Use a CheckSum in the communication protocol. | ||||
Comm. Error Message Pop Up | With this feature on, communication error messages appear when the Xpanel detects Send/Receive errors. Error messages will disappear after 5 seconds. | ||||
| Address & Function Codes |
Use a pop-up message when a communication error occurs. |
See the Communication Configuration section for more information about the remaining parameters.
Address & Function Codes
Address Format | Address | Description | Data Type | In Bit Type | Access |
T0 | Sensor Temperature | INT32 | - | Read Only |