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Runtime Description

CIMON’s HMIs can connect with PLCs and other HMIs to display relevant information for the project. HMIs can connect with other devices via ethernet and USB mini as well. With these tools, users can display information from HMIs and other PLCs to help display a project more efficiently and easier to read than from reading from a PLC.

Table of ContentsminLevel1maxLevel4includeoutlinefalseindentexcludeDescription|Allen|CIMON|Fatek|LSIS|MELSEC|Modbus|ODVA|OPC|Omron|Proface|S7|Panasonic|Yokogawa|MQTTtypelistclassprintabletrue

Designer Functionalities

I/O Device Editor

To access I/O Device Editor, go to Tools > I/O Device Editor, or click on the Open I/O Device Editor… on the toolbar to open it. To create a new device, click the + icon to open the Add New I/O Device screen. Users can select the ethernet or serial Connection Type for that specific device. Users can also select the Device Type, which will open a dropdown of specific devices that Canvas supports connecting to. Once selected, the I/O Device will be created with default settings.

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Ethernet Device

Ethernet devices are used when the connection to another device is via an Ethernet connection. Users will need to input the IP of the device they are connecting to, the Ethernet Type, and the Port. Depending on the selected protocol, users can also set the PLC Type. Users can also select the String Encoding and the String Encoding Method. Users can also change specific settings such as the Timeout time and the Retry Count. Users will also be able to change the name of the Device and the Protocol of the device as well. Users can use a different protocol to suit the use case of a specific project; the available protocols are listed below.

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Allen-Bradley Ethernet/IP

Canvas supports Allen-Bradleys Ethernet/IP as a way to connect with other devices that support this protocol. Users will be able to select an Allen Bradley PLC Type, the Message Type, and also, if the Message Type allows, a toggle to Use Multiple Service.

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CIMON PLC (HMI Protocol)

CIMON PLC (HMI Protocol) is the default protocol for Canvas. This protocol is the basic HMI protocol to connect with other CIMON devices. Users can select the CIMON PLC Type that they are working with. There are no additional options for any of the CIMON PLCs; the settings will remain the same across all CIMON PLCs.

CIMON PLC connections with ethernet will require a UDP Ethernet type to function properly.

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Canvas supports Fatek FBS as a way to connect with other devices that support this protocol. This protocol will work in conjunction with any Fatek PLCs. There are no specific settings that this option will bring up if selected.

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Canvas supports LSIS FEnet as a way to connect with other devices that support this protocol. Users can select an LSIS PLC Type within the settings to suit specific configurations better.

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Mitsubishi MELSEC Ethernet

Canvas supports Mitsubishi MELSEC Ethernet as a way to connect with other devices that support this protocol. Users can select a Mitsubishi PLC Type within the settings to suit specific configurations better. Users will also be able to choose a Frame Type for the MELSEC.

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Canvas supports Modbus TCP as a way to connect with other devices that support this protocol. Users can Swap 16 for Integers, Strings, Float32 and Float64, Swap 32 for Integer, Float32, and Float64, and Swap 64 for Integer and Float64. Users will also have to set the Unit Identifier for Modbus TCP to correctly identify the device it is trying to connect to.

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ODVA EtherNet/IP

Canvas supports ODVA EtherNet/IP as a way to connect with other devices that support this protocol. Users using this method can set the Message Type for how the message should function when connected to another device that supports ODVA EtherNet/IP.

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Canvas supports OPC UA Client as a way to connect to other devices that support this protocol. Users can Enable Encryption and enhance security for their OPC UA Client. Users will also be able to manage specific Security Policies, and change the authentication method.

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Omron FINS

Canvas supports Omron FINS as a way to connect to other devices that support this protocol. Users will need to set up Fins in order to use it. Users will need to specify the ID of the Source Node, Source Network, Destination Network, Destination Node, and Destination Unit in order to have Omron FINS set up properly.

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Proface GPEthernet

Canvas supports Proface GPEthernet as a way to connect to devices that support this protocol. Users will be able to Swap 16 for Integers and Strings and also Swap 32 for Integers.

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Canvas supports Siemens S7 as a way to connect to devices that support this protocol. Users will be able to set up the Slot Number and Rack Number of the S7. This will need to be correct in order for it to grab information from the correct device.

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Serial Device

Serial Devices are used when a connection to another device is made via a serial cable. Users will need to input the Serial Port of the device they are connecting to, the Comm Type, and also the Baudrate. Users can also select the String Encoding and the String Encoding Method. Users are also able to change specific settings such as the Timeout time and the Retry Count. Users will also be able to change the name of the Device and the Protocol of the device as well.

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CIMON PLC (HMI Protocol)

This is the default protocol for Canvas. Users will be able to choose any of the CIMON PLCs under PLC Type. No additional settings will appear after any of the CIMON PLCs are selected.

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Canvas supports LSIS Cnet as a way to connect to devices that support this protocol. Users will be able to choose any of the LSIS Cnet PLCs under PLC Type. No additional settings will appear under either of the PLC Type options.

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Mitsubishi MELSEC Serial

Canvas supports Mitsubishi MELSEC Serial as a way to connect to devices that support this protocol. Users will be able to choose any of the Mitsubishi PLCs under PLC Type. Users will also need to select the Frame Type for the PLC as well.

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Modbus RTU

Canvas supports Modbus RTU as a way to connect to devices that support this protocol. There are no additional settings that will appear on the selection of this protocol.

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Canvas supports Omron Hostlink as a way to connect to devices that support this protocol. There are no additional settings that will appear on the selection of this protocol.

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Canvas supports Panasonic FP7 as a way to connect to devices that support this protocol. There are no additional settings that will appear on the selection of this protocol.

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Yokogawa FA-M3

Canvas supports Yokogawa FA-M3 as a way to connect to devices that support this protocol. There are no additional settings that will appear on the selection of this protocol.

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Data Server Editor

To access the Data Server Editor, go to Tools > Data Server Editor or click on the Open Data Server Editor… on the toolbar to open it as well. To create a new device, click on the + icon; this will open the Add New Server Device screen. Users will be able to select the Connection Type of ethernet or serial for that specific device. Users will also be able to select the Device Type, which will open a dropdown of specific devices that Canvas supports connecting to. Once selected, the Data Server will be created with default settings.

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Ethernet Device

Ethernet devices are used when the connection to another device is via an Ethernet connection. Users will need to input the Port of the device they are connecting to in order for it to successfully connect. For Modbus TCP, users will need to enter the Unit ID via Modbus for it to successfully connect, and also the String Encoding and String Encoding Method.

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MQTT JSON Publisher

The MQTT JSON Publisher can be used to both publish to the user and subscribe to read tag data. Users can set Subscribe Topic and Publish Topic to follow the subscribe/publishing method for MQTT JSON Publisher.

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Modbus TCP and RTU host memories with the following memory areas: 0, 1, 3, and 4. Users must use the MODBUS address of the address they wish to target. If, for example, the user wishes to target Y00, the tag must target 000001. Depending on the tag data type, a different range of addresses will be allocated as well.

In CIMON PLCs, 0 refers to Y, 1 refers to X, 4 refers to D, and 3 refers to M.

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OPC UA Server

OPC UA Server tags must have a unique Browse Name. Users will have to set if the Tag can be Allowed Read and Allowed Write as well when creating the Device Tag for the OPC UA Server.

The address used by the client will be ns=2;s=<server prefix>.<browse name>. Depending on the settings of the OPC UA Server, if the Server Layout is set to Basic, then the format will be ns=2;s=Tags.browseName, or if it is set to Device, then it will be ns=2;s=Tags.deviceName.browseName.

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Serial Devices are used when a connection to another device is made via a serial cable. Users will need to input the Serial Port of the device they are connecting to, the Comm Type, and also the Baudrate. Users can also select the PLC Type, the String Encoding, and the String Encoding Method. Users will also be able to change the name of the Device and the Protocol of the device as well. For Modbus TCP, users will need to enter the Unit ID via Modbus for it to successfully connect, and also the String Encoding and String Encoding Method as well. Modbus RTU is currently the only protocol available for Serial Devices on Data Server Editor.

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Device Tag

Device tags are used to connect tags with the server. The created server will host any tags listed within the Device Tag tab. Within the tab, addresses and other properties for each tag can be configured. Each protocol will have different settings for the Device Tag screen.

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Payload Editor

Payload Editor lets users edit the MQTT message sent to the server. This will allow users to configure how payloads are configured for specific devices to match the format they require. Users can configure Multi Tag Wrap Basic and Multi Tag Wrap Full as an example and can change how many Tags per Payload and the Wrap Method. These can be configured within the Payload Editor as needed.

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Certificate Editor

The Certificate Editor is used to create and edit certificate files, which can be used to encrypt and authorize any connection to the project. Users can use this feature to add more security and encryption to their projects so that no unauthorized access can happen. Users will be able to use their own Private Key and Certificate for their project.

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Key Pairs

The Key Pairs page is where users can see all of their current Key Pairs. Clicking the + icon will create a new Key Pair. Users will need to insert a Name, a Certificate, a Private Key, and a Description. Users can also add a Password for the Private Key as an additional layer of security. Users will also be able to Delete and Edit any current Key Pairs they have.

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There is also a Trust Stores tab, where users can put all known certificates they use within the project. This is where certificates will be verified by the project to confirm that they are acceptable. Users can click the + icon to create a new Trust Store. This will open the New Trust Store pop-up page. Users will need to add a Name, Certifications, and a Description. Users are able to Delete and Edit any Trust Stores already created.

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Runtime Description

CIMON has the option to use the simulator to test projects before they are put onto an HMI. Users are able to use the simulator to test not only the functionality of objects, but also simulate communication with the simulator in CICON as well. Users are also able to interact with the HMI through Canvas to download a project to the HMI or upload a project from the HMI.

Runtime Functionalities

Runtime Download / Upload

In order to run the project on a CIMON HMI, users must first set up the connection with the Xpanel in order to run the project. To do this, users must go to Tools > Connection Setup or, on the toolbar, go to Open Connection Setup…. This will open the Connection Setup window, which will allow users to connect with the HMI. Depending on how the Xpanel is connected to the device with Canvas installed, the HMI will appear by either IP Address or by USB.

In order to transfer the project to runtime, within the Connection Setup page, select the Xpanel that will be used for the project. Once selected, buttons on the right side of the page will become clickable. Click on the Download (PC → HMI) button; this will begin transferring the project to the HMI. Click OK on any popups, and after waiting, the project will appear on the HMI, and the project will be interactable on the HMI.

Users can also download projects from the HMI to the PC as well. By clicking the Upload (HMI → PC) button, users will be able to download the current project on the HMI and be able to edit it within Canvas on the computer.


The USB Mini-B connection is treated as an Ethernet connection. The USB Mini-B port will utilize the CPU's DHCP server to connect directly to the Xpanel without a need for third-party software to facilitate the connection.

Xpanel Runtime

When a user downloads a project to the HMI, it will automatically open the project when the download is finished. It will also automatically open the project on the power-up of the HMI. This will open up the project that was designed on Canvas and allow full functionality of it. There are no limitations on the Xpanel during runtime.

In order to view the runtime from the computer, select the HMI you wish to view, then click on the Start VNC Server button; this will begin the VNC server. Once it is started, click on Launch VNC Viewer, and the user will be able to view what is currently on the HMI. An example of the VNC Viewer is on the right.

Settings Page

Users may interact with the settings during runtime. To open the settings, users must first use the Three Corner Method. To do this, touch the bottom left corner of the screen, then the bottom right corner, then the top right corner in the order listed. Once done, a menu will appear on the Xpanel. Users can select to go to the settings from this page or exit the runtime. Clicking Exit or Switch to Control Center will exit the runtime.

Open Notifications will show all notifications that have occurred during the runtime of the program. Frame and Tag Monitor will open the Frame Monitor on the runtime. System Log will show all interactions with the program during runtime. About will show the current Canvas Viewer Version. User Management will open a login screen for a user to use the Identity and Access Manager.

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Runtime Settings

Once the project is closed, the user will be on the Control Center screen. Users can choose to either go back to Canvas Viewer or to go into the Settings. Clicking Settings will open the Settings window. Users can set up Server Settings, Network Settings, Sound and Display, Project Transfer, and Language and Region. System time and many other windows will directly change the settings of the Xpanel itself.


Users do not require an HMI to test the functionality of the project. The simulator will be able to help debug and test a project's functionality without requiring an HMI to run and test the project. Users can also directly change tag values to test the functionality of specific functions when tag values change. By going to Tools > Launch Simulator or clicking the Launch Simulator button on the Toolbar, users will be able to run the project on the computer and test the functionality of the project from the computer.

Users can also test with an Online Simulator in conjunction with CICON’s simulator; this can allow users to test the functionality of I/O Devices and Data Servers without the need for a PLC and HMI. To run Online Simulator, go to Tools > Launch Online Simulator or click the Launch Online Simulator button within the toolbar. Some functionality not available in the offline simulator will be available in the online simulator.



Not all features will function in one or both of the Simulators; some functionality will only occur when the project is installed on the HMI.

Online Simulator will only run for 30 minutes before automatically closing the runtime.