Item | Description |
Group Name | Enter the group name to add to the library. Alternatively, you may select the group name to delete from the library. You must assign a group name to add the library object. If you wish to create a group, enter the unique name for the new group in the ‘Group Name’ field. If you wish to add a library object to an existing group, select the group name from the drop-down list. Then enter the object name in the ‘Object Name’ text field. |
Object Name | Enter the object name to add to the library. Alternatively, you may select the object name to delete from the library. |
Preview | Displays an example of the library object as a thumbnail image. |
Add | Adds the object which that the operator made in on the graphic page. A single object can be added to the library at a time. If you add the an object which that contains functionality, the configuration is also applied to the library object. The library object file is automatically named ‘GroupName.DAT’, and saved to the following directory: C:\CIMONPOWERTRAN\”XpanelDesigner Version ENG”\UserLib |
Delete | Removes a user library object from the library. There must not be any selection on the graphic page. |
Delete Group | Deletes the selected group from the library. Deleting the group will delete all the objects it contains. |
Cancel | Exit the ‘User Library Edit’ window. |