Item | Description |
Use System Data Area | Determines whether to use the system data area or not. There must be at least one I/O Device setting in the corresponding project. If the I/O Device does not exist in the project, the following warning message will appear. |
Global Action Setting | Assign the action of the Popup Page. When you select [Indirect], you cannot configure the [Popup Page Number] and [X,Y Position] options in the Popup Page Settings area. These options will be controlled with the 4th, 5th, 6th device addresses from the start address. When you select [Direct], you have to manually assign the Popup Page number and the [X,Y Position]. You will only control the appearance of the Popup Page. When you select [Unused], you can only configure the [Current Base Page Number] and [Base Page number to be converted] options. |
Popup Page Number | This option is enabled only when the Global Action Setting is [Direct]. The Popup Page will appear when the device address registered to [Control Popup Page] option becomes 1. |
X Position | Assigns the X coordinate of the global Popup Page, by pixel. |
Y Position | Assigns the Y coordinate of the global Popup Page, by pixel. |
Start Address | Assign the starting address of the target communication device to be used for the system data area. Once you assign the starting address, consecutive device addresses will be automatically assigned to each option. You can only use word-sized device memory. |
Current Base Page Number | Prints the latest Base Page number which is opened in the Xpanel. |
Base Page number to be converted | Manually enter the Base Page number for the immediate page converting. |
After Converted, Reset Value | When you select this option, the device address assigned to [Base Page number to be converted] option will be initialized to 0, after the page switching. |
Control Popup Page | When the Global Action Setting is [Indirect], the corresponding device address will bring up the popup page in the [Popup Page Number] option, when the value 1 is input. Input 0 to the device address to close the popup page. When the Global Action Setting is [Direct], Input 1 to the device address to bring up the assigned Popup Page on the assigned (X, Y) coordinate. Input 0 to close the Popup Page. This option is not used if the Global Action Setting is [Unused]. |
Popup Page number to be converted | This option is used only when the Global Action Setting is [Indirect]. Input the Popup Page number to be opened when the device address’s value of [Control Popup Page] is 1. |
Popup Page Position X,Y | This option is used only when the Global Action Setting is [Indirect]. Assign the (X, Y) coordinate of the popup page’s left-top corner. If the page is already opened, the page will move as much as the assigned value. If the page is not opened, the Popup Page will be brought up on the assigned coordinate. |
Used Tag Number | Displays the number of tags (device addresses) to be used in the system data area, according to the number of selected items in the [System Data Area Items]. |
| - The device addresses starting from the [Start Address] will automatically be registered in the XpanelDesigner’s database. |