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Device Type

Select the target device’s protocoltype of the target device. This also selects the driver used to communicate with the device.

IP Address

Enter the device’s local IP address. This field is enabled only when the Xpanel device type is CM-NP/iNP.


Select the Ethernet protocol to use. You can select UDP/IP or TCP/IP.

Network ID

Enter the network ID if required by the device protocol.

Node ID

Enter the node ID if required by the device protocol.

Time Out

Timeout is a feature to set a standard for communication failure and success. If the The timeout feature periodically checks whether the connection is still valid. If a requested frame is not received in the assigned time, it will be processed as a communication failure. This option is not applied if the protocol is TCP/IP. Values represent multiples of 100ms. For example, a value of 10 represents 1000ms, or 1 second.

Retry No.

Assign the number of communication retries retry attempts after a communication failure.

Initialize the Tx Frame When Timeout Occurs

Select this option to initialize Tx frames that are registered during the timeout period.

Dynamic IP

Select this option if you are using a dynamic IP address. This field is enabled only when the Xpanel device type is CM-NP/iNP.





Brings up the configuration window for the selected station.


Deletes the selected station.

Add Station

Configures communication options for the target device.

Station Name

Designate the station’s name. You cannot use special characters.

Station Type

Select the station type. Different station types are available depending on the device type you selected in the [Communication Port] tab.

Network ID

Enter the network ID if required by the protocol.

Node ID

Enter the node ID if required by the protocol.

Unit ID

Enter the unit ID if required by the protocol.

IP Address

Enter the target device’s IP address.

Socket Port No.

Enter the socket port number of the target device.

16Bit Data Swap

Swaps the upper and lower bytes of word data (16-bit) during the communication.

32Bit Data Swap

Swaps the upper and lower words of double-word data (32-bit) during the communication.

String Data Swap

Supported by some of the communication drivers.

Swaps the upper and lower bytes of each word (16-bit) of string data.

Comm. Error Message Pop Up

Select this option to enable a communication error pop-up message. This will appear on the Xpanel device whenever a communication error occurs.

Fast Mode

Select this option to use fast mode, which speeds up the rate of data transfer. This option is only available for certain station types.

Fixed XPANEL Socket Port

Select this option to fix the Xpanel socket port number at a specific value.

Xpanel Socket Port No.

Assign the Xpanel socket port number.

I/O Device Write Enable

Allows the device to make data write requests to Xpanel.

Data Request Size Limit

Sets a limit on the number of WORD and BIT data values which can be requested by the device.


Sets the maximum number of words (16-bit) which can be requested by the device.


Sets the maximum number of bits which can be requested by the device.
