ReportOut | Prints out the assigned report model. | |
Subroutine | Command | ReportOut (“Model Name”) |
Script | ReportOut “Model Name” | |
Description | Prints out the assigned report model regardless of the output time. You can print the report even if the report model is not operating. The report model printed by the function is not saved as a file. | |
Example | Prints out the report model named “WaterTreatment”. ReportOut (“WaterTreatment”) |
FormatStr | Outputs the specified value as a string in the conversion format. | |
Subroutine | Command | FormatStr(“Conversion Format”,Value Type,Value) |
Script | n=FormatStr(“Conversion Format”,Value Type,Value) | |
Description | Outputs the specified value as a string in the Conversion Format. The conversion format is the same as the Format format in C, such as “%04d”, “%5.2f”, etc. However, there is a limit of one parameter. The value you want to convert is specified in the Value parameter. | |
Value Type | Value | |
0 | If the value you want to convert is a non-decimal integer | |
1 | If the value you want to convert is a real number with floating-point values | |
2 | If the value you want to convert is a string | |
Example | Converts “1823” to match the “%5.2f” format. n=FormatStr(“%5.2f”,0,1823) |
OpenPage | Displays the page during the project runtime. | |
Subroutine | Command | OpenPage (“Page name”) |
Script | OpenPage “Page name” | |
Description | This command opens the page window which is saved as “Page name”. | |
Example | Enter the command to display the“Page1” window. Open the GOOGLE main window. OpenPage("http://www.google.com") Display the GOOGLE main window at (top: 100, left: 200, width: 800, height: 600). OpenPage("http://www.google.com,position:100,200,800,600") |
OpenPageEx | Opens the item registered on the specified page, replacing it with the specified tag. | |
Subroutine | Command | OpenPageEx(“Page Name”,”Tag Name List”) |
Script | OpenPageEx “Page Name”,”Tag Name List” | |
Description | Opens the item registered on the specified page, replacing it with the specified tag. When editing a page, replace the items specified by $1, $2... Replace the items specified by $n with the tag names specified in the “Tag Name List”. Tag names are separated by commas (,). | |
Example | Replace the $1 and $2 items on Page1 with tags “AA” and “BB”, respectively, to display them on the current screen. OpenPageEx(“Page1”,”AA,BB”) |
ReplacePage | Replaces certain pages which is specified by the operator. | |
Subroutine | Command | ReplacePage (“Page name 1”, “Page name 2”) |
Script | ReplacePage “Page name 1”, “Page name 2” | |
Description | This command is used to replace “Page name 1“ window with “Page name 2” window. | |
Example | Enter the command to replace the “Page A” window with “Page B” window. |
ReplacePageEx | Replaces the registered items with the tags you specify and displays them on the screen. | |
Subroutine | Command | ReplacePageEx("Current Page Name", "New Page Name","Tag Name List") |
Script | ReplacePageEx "Current Page Name", "New Page Name","Tag Name List" | |
Description | Replaces items registered on a new page with the tags you specify and displays them on the screen. When editing a page, replace the items specified by $1, $2... Replace the items specified by $n with the tag names specified in the “Tag Name List”. Tag names are separated by commas (,). | |
Example | Replace the $1 and $2 items on Page2 with tags “AA” and “BB”, respectively, and display them on the screen. ReplacePageEx(“Page1”,“Page2”,”AA,BB”) |
RunApp | Run the specific application. | |
Subroutine | Command | RunApp(“File”, “Parameters”) |
Script | RunApp “File”, “Parameters” | |
Description | Runs a user's specific application. In the “File” field, enter the full path to the file, and in the “Parameters” field, enter the path to any files that are required to run, if any. (Caution) This command will only work on the computer running CimonX. | |
Example | Runs the Excel program and open the “Test.xlsx” file. RunApp(“C:\ProgramFiles\MicrosoftOffice\Office15\excel.exe”,”C:\Test.xlsx”) |
ProjectBackup | Backs up the files set in the Backup.ini file to the specified path. | |
Subroutine | Command | ProjectBackup(“Path”) |
Script | ProjectBackup “Path” | |
Description | Backs up the files set in the Backup.ini file to the specified “Path”. In the Backup.ini file, you can specify the files you want to back up. | |
Example | Backups files to Drive C. Projectbackup(“C:\”) |