Series Name
Set the name of the series displayed in the chart. A single series requires a unique name.Data Setup
(1) Point Count차트에 표시할 태그의 개수를 설정 합니다. 시간 축을 사용할 경우 1로 고정이 되며, 시간 축을 사용 하지 않을 경우 8개까지 설정 가능합니다Sets the number of tags to display in the chart. Defaults to 1 when using a time axis, and can be set to 8 when not using a time axis.
(2) Point 1 ~ 8
Select the tags you want to display in the chart. There can be up to eight points if you are not using a time axis.
Show Marker
With markers, it's easy to hover over them to find the exact location where they actually appear on the screen.